A real challenge for Catholics

Mons. Juan Antonio Reig Pla

Bishop of Alcalá de Henares

1 The President of the Government of Spain and the Popular Party has confirmed the withdrawal of the reform of the abortion law that sought to “limit” quantitatively “silent holocaust” that is occurring. Keep to the right and legitimizes abortion bankruptcy assuming rule of law making in the name of democracy, a dictatorship that crushes the weak. No abortion law is good. The death of a single innocent is a horror, but it “seemed” that “something” was changing in the minds of some relevant policy makers regarding the abominable crime of abortion (cf. Second Vatican Council, Gaudium et Spes, 51).

That said we should denounce, with all respect to him, that the Prime Minister has acted with disloyalty to their voters by not keeping his word on this matter, explicit in its election manifesto; He has also acted as a fool because he has said that it makes sense to keep the “right to abortion”, ie, the right to kill an unborn innocent, the most execrable crime. He has not told the truth, because his party has a majority in the Parliament, however, claims that there is no consensus, something that has not applied to other laws or infinitely less important reforms.

Now is the time to say, with quiet but clear voice, the Popular Party is liberal, ideologically informed by radical feminism and gender ideology, and “infected” like other political parties and major unions, the lobby LGBTQ; all you servants, in turn, international institutions (public and private) to promote the “global governance” in the service of transnational neo-capitalist imperialism, which has pushed hard for Spain not to be a good example for Latin America and Europe about what they consider an unacceptable “return” in abortion matters.

2 Regarding the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, even with all due respect to him, we must say that it has been shown lacking in intellectual rigor and a lack of sensitivity to the dignity of human life. It is amazing to see how he calls to television to denounce violence against animals, and yet, forget the criminal violence against two million children aborted: beheaded, cut, poisoned, burned … From the logic of horror Secretary General exalted the PSOE in Madrid Atocha station the misnamed “Freedom Train” in which some women claimed “the right to decide to kill innocent”;this train, as trains that led to Auschwitz death camp, should be called, not the “Freedom Train” but the “train of death”, the most infamous “Holocaust” means the direct and deliberate killing of innocent unborn children.

3 As is verifiable, the Popular Party with this decision, joins the rest of the political parties that in addition to promoting abortion, considers it the right of women: a diabolical synthesis of liberal individualism and Marxism. In another way, to date – without judging people – the major political parties have become true “structures of sin” (cf. John Paul II, Encyclical Solicitude Rei Socialis, 36-40 and Evangelium vitae, 24).

4 In the cultural sphere, and under pressure from radical feminism has moved the spotlight of abortion; has slipped from treatment as a crime (Do not kill) the consideration of women as victims. It is true that the woman is a victim, often abandoned – when not pressured to abort – by the father of her child, for his personal and work environment and society; is also true that often suffer post-abortion syndrome, etc .; but although some circumstances may reduce the attribution of such a serious act, not ever morally justify the decision to kill the unborn child. This time you have to report it to be accompanied with mercy and ‘properly to women who are in very difficult situations where abortion is presented as a quick solution to their deep anguish “(Pope Francisco, Evangelii gaudium, 214) .

But, as I say, the specifics of abortion is that it is an abominable crime, “the killer and those who cooperate voluntarily in murder commit a sin that cries to heaven for vengeance (cf. Gn 4, 10)” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2268). It can not be justified by appealing to freedom, which in itself is a criminal act that kills an innocent, corrupts women who practice abortion, to induce the same and who, being able to legitimate means, do anything about it. The Catholic Church Mater et Magistra in order to protect the innocent unborn and illuminate the darkened consciences “canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life. “Who procures a completed abortion occurs incurs excommunication latae sententiae” (CIC can. 1398), ie, “so incurred ipso facto she who commits the crime” (CIC can. 1314), in conditions provided by the law (cf. CIC can. 1323-1324). With The Church does not thereby intend to restrict the scope of mercy; which makes clear the gravity of the crime committed, the irreparable harm done to the innocent who is put to death, their parents and the whole society “(Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2272). We do not need to demonstrate that we are facing a crisis of civilization.

5 On the other hand, I will say more: it must be clarified that it is not morally justifiable position of Catholics who collaborated with the Popular Party in promoting the reform of the abortion law to resign now. The encyclical Evangelium vitae of Pope John Paul II does not provide for formal cooperation with evil (neither more nor less); not confuse collaborate formally with evil (even the lowest) to allow – the lesser evil – if the precise moral conditions exist. This encyclical (. N 73) assertion is: “the problem of conscience can arise in cases where a legislative vote would be decisive to favor a more restrictive law, that is aimed at limiting the number of abortions allowed, as place of a more permissive law already passed or ready to be voted. […] In the case above, if not possible to overturn or completely abrogate a pro-abortion law, an elected official, whose absolute personal opposition to procured abortion was well known, could licitly support proposals aimed at limiting the harm done by such law and at lessening its negative consequences at the level of culture and public morality. Indeed, by so doing an illicit cooperation with an unjust law is not given; rather a legitimate and forced to limit its evil aspects’ attempt is made.

6. With affection for people in pain, I must also say that sometimes, some instances of the Catholic Church that walk in Spain have not led rather have hampered the possibility that new parties or platforms appear to defend cracks the right to life, the indissoluble marriage between one man and one woman, religious and educational freedom, social justice and care for poor and those who suffer most: in short, the Social Doctrine of the Church. Thank God Pope Francis has been very clear on abortion in his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii gaudium (nn. 213 and 214).

7 As in so many other times in our history, it’s time to appeal to the conscience of the Spanish Catholics. Before us, perhaps, the possibility of “a new beginning” opens and in any case a wide range of simultaneous actions, among which I want to highlight:

a) We must hold fast to the purpose of evangelization, nurture new Christians and attention on our “hospitals” (Caritas Family Guidance Centers, etc.) so many people injured (physically, psychologically and spiritually ) waiting for our love, our compassion and our help, always from the truth.

b) Insist on sexual education and responsibility of sex, ie, education for love.

c) To emphasize the total abolition of all laws permitting abortion caused direct and promote the adoption of laws to protect the unborn, mothers and families.

d) Creating an organized and able to mobilize consciences civil response.

e) Make a call to promote policy initiatives to endorse, fully, the Social Doctrine of the Church.

f) Consider yet again the possibility of regenerating the major political parties, but so far these attempts have always been unproductive.

8 The road will be long and difficult, as happened with the abolition of slavery. The maturation of consciences is no easy undertaking, but our horizon, by the grace of God, is the victory of good. This is the time of conversion. Thus all (women and men, health professionals and the media, governors, legislators, judges, law enforcement authorities, pastors and faithful, etc.) are bound in conscience to work and defend all legitimate means “life” of “all human life” from conception to natural death, beginning with the unborn and their mothers; if we do not so, history and future generations will reproach us. And what is definitive, God, the Day of Judgment, will claim: I was little, I was naked and helpless and you did not welcome me (cf. Mt 25, 41-46).

In Alcalá de Henares, to September 24, Year of Our Lord 2014

Nuestra. Sra. Merced