September 1, 2011


     Based on the biologically and medically incontrovertible fact that human life begins at the moment of fertilization, as well as the principles of human life and dignity espoused and promulgated by the Catholic Church, we, the members of MaterCare International, a world-wide organization of obstetricians, gynecologists and other medical professionals, which acts as the obstetrical arm of the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC), announce our gratitude to the Polish people who have supported the civic initiative for a legislative amendment to prohibit all abortion, by very significant legislation recognizing those principles, and express our disappointment in the Parliament of Poland having voted to deny support, though by the slim margin of 186 in favor to 191 against.

     The new legislation, consisting of four short articles that would have ensured legal protection of all human life in Poland from conception (fertilization) onward, without exception, was based on the incontrovertible fact that human life begins at that moment, and, like each of our own individual lives, is deserving of love, protection and the right to live.  For many years, the practice of abortion has had a gravely negative impact on society and on  women, causing them physical and emotional harm, and has lowered respect for human life and our medical profession.

     The legislation would have provided untold benefits for Poland and its future, and would likely have paved the way for similar legislative reform – which is neutral regarding creed, color or physical health –  in other European countries. The importance of voting for the protection of future generations of Poles cannot be understated.

     As professionals devoted to the dignity of motherhood, mothers, their children, and their health, we are delighted at the 186 votes in favor of the attempted legislative reform, and sincerely thank the Polish people and parliamentarians for their effort to restore respect for human life in its most vulnerable state.