Over 60,000 people in Isiolo County are in urgent need of aid due to the persistent drought. This is an urgent appeal for MaterCare International’s hospital in Isiolo, Kenya affected by the drought which has left many families in danger of dying of hunger.


The Samburu, Turkana pasturalists and the Borana whom MaterCare treats are among the most vulnerable people in the region of rural Isiolo, an area that already suffers from the highest maternal mortality and perinatal mortality rate in Kenya.

The Drought Early Warning Report from the Government of Kenya indicates the situation is only worsening.

The severe drought and recent doctor’s strike is bringing the starving and needy to our doorsteps. Our hospital is understaffed to take on the growing number of patients.


Your donations are urgently needed to provide care to Isiolo patients.

Donate here at: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/matercare-international-canada/UrgentIsioloAppeal/