Our mission
The aims of the Irish Catholic Doctors Association are:
1.To study and spread Catholic values and culture in the medical profession and in social and political debate.
2.To promote the most up to date scientific data and professional knowledge and also provide moral and spiritual help to Catholic Doctors.
3.To promote the study of bioethical problems concerning the medical healthcare world
4.To take part in the general developement of the medical profession in agreement with the magisterium of the church.
Our Story

We affirm that it is possible to practice medicine to the highest possible standards in accordance with the Catholic Faith. Faith and Reason go hand in hand as outlined in John Paul II’s encyclical “Fides et Ratio”.

As Catholics we are challenged to go further and to bring our faith to bear on how we practice medicine in order to build a “Culture of Life” and “Civilization of Love” as explained in the wonderful encyclical “Evangelium Vitae”.

Euroepan Executive Committee meeting in Dublin (May 5, 2012)
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