CICIAMS, the acronym for Comité International Catholique des Infirmières et Assistantes –Sociales (International Committee of Catholic Nurses and Medico-Social Assistants) is an International Private Association of the Faithful doted with juridical personality according to relevant canons of the Code of Canon Law. It collaborates in a regular way with the Pontifical Council for Health Care and the Pontifical Council for the Laity.

CICIAMS roots go back to 1928 when at a meeting of six French Speaking Catholic Nursing Associations in Basle, Switzerland, the establishment of an international professional association of Catholic nurses was proposed. This led to the foundation in 1933 of The International Study Committee of Catholic Nursing  Associations at its first congress held in Lourdes attended by nurses from ten countries. Its Statutes were approved by the Holy See and a committee was elected.  From 1933 – 1950 the Committee extended its work  into other continents and increased the number of member associations despite a cessation of many of its activities during World War 11. In 1950 the name was changed to CICIAMS to include medico-social personnel which reflected the changing nature of nursing and the inter-professional nature of healthcare.



Full members consist of National Associations of nurses and other professional healthcare workers that are Catholic in nature and admitted by the General Council of CICIAMS having been approved by their relevant Ecclesiastical Authorities.

Associate members are Professional Associations and individuals that do not meet the conditions for full membership. These Associations include hospitals, nursing colleges, health care institutions.



The General Council is the governing body of CICIAMS. It consists of Member Associations. It meets every two years.

The Executive Board is elected by the General Council and is responsible for the overall  management of CICIAMS between Council meetings.

The General Secretariat is responsible for the day-to-day administration at international level.

CICIAMS Regions are four in number – Africa, Asia, Europe and Pan America. Each region consists of the National Associations within its geographical area and is supported by a Regional President.



CICIAMS is in official relations with:

World Health Organisation (WHO) with which it has consultative status since 1954. CICIAMS elected representative is the WHO focal point through whom all business is conducted

United Nations/Department of Public Information (UN DPI) with which it has NGO status since 1956. CICIAMS elected representative and other CICIAMS members attend UNDPI briefings and conferences and have been successful in gaining speaking rights on life issues.

UNICEF – on its register of NGOs

International Labour Organisation (ILO) – on a special list

Other affiliations

Catholic Centre for International Co-operation (CCIC) – NGO status

Crescendo: Represented on its Board since 2007.


Mission Statement

Informed by the moral and social teaching of the Church, CICIAMS is committed to:

Giving Christian witness in our lives through guiding and supporting healthcare workers internationally

Co-ordinating the work of member associations in their efforts to evangelise the ethos and ideals of the nursing profession and society in general

Promoting the initiation of and participation in professional research and development towards the achievement of optimum care and wellbeing

Respecting the religious convictions of others and accepting their rights to practice and beliefs

Developing a positive vision of life from conception to natural death

Representing Christian and professional values in our work with national and international bodies



Endeavour to promote basic and advanced nurse education and professional research

Represent professional and Christian interests of its members

Promote the enhancement of spiritual welfare and ethical values of its members

Promote health and social measures following Christian principles and professional development

Promote co-operation between member associations



Organise congresses, conferences seminars on relevant topics at international and regional levels

Encourage and support member associations in their efforts to participate in professional activities and undertakings

Support members in their work in developing countries and/or regions in which there is instability or natural disasters

Facilitate prayer and liturgical worship as appropriate in connection with its activities

Publish a newsletter at regular intervals


Contact email:       



Geraldine Mc Sweeney, President CICIAMS