With Msgr Valentin Pozaic, episcopal adviser of our Croatian association

From left to right, Drs Jasenka Markelievic, Ermanno Pavesi, Ana Planinc-Peraica , Vincenzo De Filippis,…

Message to the Croatia Catholic Medical Society (25th Anniversary)

On behalf of the international fraternity of Catholic physicians, I would like to send our warmest congratulations to the Croatia Catholic Medical Society (CCMS) on the 25th anniversary of its inauguration. Although the CCMS is relatively young, its contribution to society has been inspiring.

Even before its separation from Yugoslavia, I have been tremendously inspired by stories of courageous Croatian doctors treating all patients regardless of ethnicity and religions often at great personal risk. This indomitable spirit is found in post-independence Croatia where the Catholic Doctors spearheaded the fight against abortion which was legitimized by the government. Through your efforts abortion has not become frequent as in many countries where it is legalized. The greatest achievement of the CCMS is it success in promoting Catholic ethical principles and to influence the professional, ethical and spiritual development of healthcare personnel in Croatia.

In an era of increasing secularization, the “Culture of Death” which our beloved St John Paul II prophesied will afflict modern society is gathering momentum.  The role of Catholic Doctors in defeating the well-organized anti-life forces is of paramount importance. At this moment, there is a campaign in the United Nations trying to force the Church to reverse its teachings on contraception. This devious campaign is being spearheaded by a purportedly Catholic institute (Wijngaards) to lend legitimacy to its arguments which is full of lies and twisted facts and crafted to appeal to the uninformed Catholic. Now is the moment for each and every one of the Catholic Doctor to stand up and be counted.

In this aspect, the CCMS can play an important role in leading the world by promoting the “Culture of Life”. The mark of a Catholic Doctor is the respect of the sanctity of life and every physician must be informed so that he can spread the Gospel of Life. I am confident that the Croatian doctors will continue to defend the sanctity of life from the moment of conception to death.

With due respect to the religious, the healing ministry of a Catholic doctor is closer to the work of Jesus than that of the priest for in many instances Christ was a healer of both the body and soul. The Catholic doctor follows the example of Christ, the divine physician by being the perfect mirror of God’s love.

In the parable of the gold coins (Luke 19:11-27) Jesus warns us that we will be asked to give an account of what we did with the talents given to us. I urge you to use your God given talents to be the salt of the earth and spread His word wherever He sends you.

In 1988, I missed visiting Zagreb while leading a pilgrimage to Medjugorje during the Marian Year. It is with deep regrets that I am unable to join you in the celebrations of your 25th anniversary. However I fervently hope to finally visit Zagreb in 2018 if the XXV FIAMC Congress is held there. My prayers are with you on this wonderful occasion.

Thank you and God bless,

John Lee                     President              FIAMC


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