
PRESIDENT OF FIAMC Zagreb, 13th July,2016

Dr John Lee

Dear dr John Lee,

the members of the Croatian Catholic Medical Society (CCMS) have just heard the sad news about passing away of the friend of our Society, the Archbishop Zigmunt Zimowski, President of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers.

During his last stay in Zagreb five years ago on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Society his kindness, dedication and humanity conquered our hearts. His legacy will be permanently in our minds and hearts.

The grief at the loss of our dear Archbishop Zigmunt Zimowski who has shared activity with health care workers for years is enormous, indeed. May a thought that he is now in the silence of eternity illuminated by the God’s grace and that his remembered here with great love and attention a comfort to us.

On behalf of our Society, please, receive our deep condolences.

Pr. Jasenka Markeljević, MD, PhD


Vice president – FEAMC,

Delegat – CCMS

Pr. Ana Planinc-Peraica, MD, PhD

President of CCMS

Auxiliary Bishop  Msgn Valentin Pozaic

Ecclesiastical assitant -CCMS,  FEAMC