By Dr José María Simón Castellví

Former President of the Fédération Internationale des Associations Médicales Catholiques (World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations -FIAMC)

          After reading the Vatican report on the immoral activities of the former American cardinal, I am setting out some reflections.

          As regards those affected, the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus comes first, followed by the abused victims, then the damage to the Church as an institution. Although it is true that the three form part of the Church, whose Heavenly Head is Jesus Christ, with His empathy and great capacity to endure suffering, and there is absolutely no doubt that the victims have been cruelly tortured, we must clearly emphasise that the aberrant sexual actions were an immense offence to God.

          Human rights exist and they must be respected, but the rights of God also exist and should also be respected. One of His rights is that His children, His creatures, created in His image and likeness, shall not be ill-treated. It is true that being omnipotent sometimes allows terrible things and this forms part of the great mystery of the existence of human freedom. A freedom that can be used for both good and bad deeds. A freedom that, for the dignity deserved by humans, will be judged and punished, or recompensated.

          Freedom, whether it is used well or badly, implies responsibility. Freedom has a time to be exercised in either a good or bad way. Human beings have been given a trial period on Earth. Sins may be forgiven by apologising (to Christ and the brothers), repairing the harm as much as possible and trying not to repeat them. However, man is a social being. Criminal sins such as those referred to in the report also clearly show us that the other members of the Church and human society are responsible for preventing and containing the harm inflicted on the weakest, who are victims of the abuse of power or conscience, or sexual abuses.

          The majority of sexual abuses suffered by children or vulnerable people are carried out by individuals who are attracted by members of the same sex. These people can be offered professional help and the beauty of chastity must be presented to them as an option. There are clear help programmes for sexual addicts, people with emotional addiction or those who are not comfortable with their condition. It is the same for womanisers, albeit on a different note.

          After a few years of great confusion, without knowing what to do with people who initially seem to be ‘good’, devout and competent but turn out to be ‘bad or ill’, it appears that Church hierarchy has properly understood the harm these people can do and protocols have been activated to prevent, detect and resolve the matter.

          However, it is now necessary to understand and finally put an end to the problems created by people with extremely manipulative personalities, who possess skills that enable them to rise in power and prestige in a society where the conditions are certainly ideal for settling down and continuing to make use of others.
