National Health Convention (NHC) and 81st Annual General Body Meeting (AGBM) of the Catholic Health Association of India (CHAI) will be held on September 26-27, 2024, at St John’s Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka.
Christian Health care mission is facing several external and internal challenges that make it difficult to sustain today. We must work together to identify solutions for overcoming the obstacles and leveraging the opportunities. Hence, we have chosen the theme of “Long-Term Sustainability of Healthcare Mission” for this year’s AGBM. This theme will be dealt under three areas of sustainability
1. Sustainability of Ministry
2. Financial Sustainability
3. Self-sustainability of those who are giving leadership
These topics will be dealt by experts from the CMC Vellore/CMAI network and the Catholic Healthcare network. Please register to be part of this important event, where experiences and stories from the field will be shared and discussed.
Due to various constraints, the number of participants for the on-site programme will be limited and will be on a ‘first-come, first-served’ basis. We prefer on-site participation of one member from one institution so that maximum institutions can be represented. Like last year the AGBM will be in hybrid mode.
Those who are attending on-site programme, the registration fee is Rs.3000/- and for those who are attending online, it will be free of cost. Please register and ensure your seat at the earliest. The last date for registration is 31 July, 2024.Click here to Register
If you have any difficulty while registering or for any further clarification, please contact either of the following.
Manesh Thomas
Mobile: 9885154042, Email: manesh-thomas@chai-india.org
Theophine Venard
Mobile: 7893966203, Email: theophine-venard@chai-india.orgClick here to find out more about this year’s speakers