FIAMC finds it timely and necessary to restate the following Catholic Medical Moral principles:

Sanctity of Life and the Medical Profession from Humanae Vitae to Laudato Si

FIAMC calls on all Catholic physicians and allied health professionals to respect the teaching of the Church contained in the various Papal Encyclicals, especially in the last 50 years beginning with Humanae Vitae through the more recent Laudato Si. Further, recognizing the sanctity of life must inform our clinical practice and medical moral decisions to include the inviolable relationship between our patients and God, over and beyond the principles of patient autonomy and individual freedom alone.

Humanae Vitae and Natural Family Planning

FIAMC has recognized the prophetic nature of the encyclical Humanae Vitae on the 50th anniversary of its publication, and recognizes the important need to promote natural family planning to help our patients repair and avoid the dangerous consequences of contraception as predicted by Pope St. Paul VI.

FIAMC also recognizes the sanctity of the procreative powers given to mankind through the gift of sexual intercourse properly ordered within the permanent union in true love to marriage between one man and one woman.

Palliative Care as an alternative to physician assisted suicide and euthanasia

FIAMC urges all Catholic palliative care programs to respect the teachings of the Magisterium through the Papal encyclicals, especially the writings of Pope Saint John Paul II and the pronouncements of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith over the past 50 years, concerning the obligatory provision of proportionate care, including food and water, even if administered by artificial means, if no other contraindications, as long as it fulfills its intended purpose of providing nutrition and hydration, and would otherwise be the cause of death if withdrawn.

(EXCO meeting, Rome, November 30, 2018)