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On the 30th Anniversary of the Cairo Conference

By H. E. Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, Apostolic Nuncio and Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations Statement by Archbishop Gabriele Caccia on the 30th Anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development New York, 29 April 2024 Mr President, On the thirtieth

La dignità del paziente al primo posto nella cura

26 gennaio 2024 La dignità della cura e il compito di curare per «debellare la cultura dell’indifferenza, dello scarto e dello scontro, oggi spesso prevalente». Su questo tema si è incentrato l’intervento svolto dal cardinale segretario di Stato, Pietro Parolin, giovedì 25 gennaio, nella Sala

Holy See on Universal Health Coverage

Statement by H.E. Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher Secretary for Relations with States and International Organizations of the Holy See At the High-level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (21 September 2023) Mr. President, “Health is not a luxury; it is for all.”[1] Yet, despite progress in expanding

Avortement: Le Saint-Siège à Genève

Le Saint-Siège à l'ONU relie droits de l'homme et dignité de la personne Intervenant mercredi 13 septembre dans le cadre du "Point 2" du débat général de la 54ème session du Conseil des droits de l'homme, le nouvel observateur permanent du Saint-Siège auprès des Nations

Forum: Speech by His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin

Speech by His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin  Secretary of State of His Holiness  V FORUM OF CATHOLIC-INSPIRED NGOS  Rome, 2 December 2022  1. Dear Friends, I would like to extend a cordial greeting and my best wishes to you,  the representatives of Catholic-inspired NGOs participating

Card. Parolin to Forum

Mr. Johan Ketelers (Forum Master) and Dr. Jos´é María Simón Parolin: la pace si ricostruisce rispettando gli altri popoli e la loro dignità Intervento del Segretario di Stato al V Forum delle Ong di ispirazione cattolica: "La guerra in Ucraina non distolga la nostra attenzione

Card Secretary of State Pietro Parolin to UN Assembly

Cardinal Parolin to UN General Assembly: Peace must be grounded in fraternity Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin sends a video message to the UN General Assembly, and touches on topics ranging from the pandemic, the upcoming COP26 in Glasgow, and war and nuclear disarmament.

Gallagher: the COVID pandemic has been impacting every aspect of life

Archbishop Gallagher to UN: Inalienable human rights must be defended The Vatican Secretary for Relations with States sends a video message to the United Nations, and highlights the inalienable nature of human rights that must be respected, even amid measures implemented to curb the ongoing

Homilía del cardenal Parolin en Toledo

(Fotos: FIAMC Press Services) Ordenación episcopal de SE Mons. Luis Miguel Muñoz Cárdaba, Nuncio Apostólico en Sudán y Eritrea Toledo, 25 de julio de 2020 Eminencias,Rvdmo. Arzobispo Metropolitano y Primado de España,Excelencias,Querido Mons. Luis Miguel,Queridos sacerdotes,Distinguidas autoridades,Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: Vuestra ilustre ciudad

Card. Parolin, en Toledo: los nuncios trabajan «por la armonía en la Iglesia y entre las naciones»

(Fotos: FIAMC Press Services) El card. de Barcelona (Mons. Omella) impone las manos al nuevo obispo El Card. Parolin impone las manos al nuevo obispo El sacerdote Luis Miguel Muñoz Cárdaba –al que el Papa ha encargado ser nuevo nuncio en Sudán y Eritrea– ha sido ordenado obispo

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