Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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St Camillus de Lellis

On 14 & 18 July, we have just celebrated the extraordinary life of SAINT CAMILLUS DE LELLIS "The Hospital is a House of God, a Garden where the Voices of the Sick are Music from Heaven."  From improbable beginnings – a wastrel, addicted to gambling,

Malaysia: Card Francis, announced cause for nurse Sybil Kathigasu

Penang opens the cause of beatification for Sybil Kathigesu, a courageous woman who stood up to the Japanese by Joseph Masilamany Card Sebastian Francis made the announcement on Monday. Born in 1899, Sybil was a Catholic nurse who cared for the poor. During the Second

St Mark Ji, doctor and a saint

The Story of Saint Mark Ji Tianxiang – doctor, addict, martyr- and a saint. When you think of a Saint of the Church what comes to mind?  Perhaps the Holy Apostles, the first messengers of the Good News?  Perhaps some of the Doctors of the

Saint Charbel, le médecin du Ciel qui ne chôme pas !

vendredi 22 décembre 2023 Mireille Haj-Chahine Statue et icône en mosaïque de Saint Charbel au monastère de Saint Maron à Annaya, Liban. (c) Sel + Lumière Média, 2023Fidèle à Dieu, je tiens à faire connaître à ceux et celles qui m’entourent l’émerveillement de Sa gloire,

May 29: Saint Paul VI

(FIAMC Pictures) Saint Paul VI’s Story Born near Brescia in northern Italy, Giovanni Battista Montini was the second of three sons. His father, Giorgio, was a lawyer, editor, and eventually a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies. His mother, Giuditta, was very involved in

Fiesta del doctor Tarrés 2024

Inici | Causa Beat Pere Tarrés | Catalunya ( Doctor Pere Tarrés DOCUMENTAL WEB (

Pablo Oriol, el ginecólogo que ayudaba a las mujeres

Pablo Oriol, el ginecólogo que ayudaba a las mujeres a ser madres Cortesía del Dr. Juan Carlos Raiteri Patricia Navas - publicado el 17/04/24Conoce la historia de un médico católico de Barcelona que siempre defendió la vida y la dignidad humana Ya hace casi 6 años que

La FIAMC co-esponsoriza exposición Gaudí – Festival de la Imatge de Calella

San José

Para conocerlo acudamos al Evangelio y encontraremos una breve biografía. He aquí lo que nos dicen los evangelistas: José desciende de la casa de David (Mt 1,16; Lc 1,27)Esposo de María (Mt 1,18-22)Todos lo llaman padre de Jesús (Lc 3,23;Jn 1,45; Mt 13,55; Jn 6,42)Ante

Jérôme Lejeune: a man of science and conscience

"Dr Jerome LeJeune: a man of science and conscience" Jérôme Lejeune, Servant of God, is a man for our season. Like Saint Thomas More, the 'Man for all Seasons,' who gave his life rather than compromise his convictions, Venerable Jérôme Lejeune, at the cost of

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