Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Mater Care: Spotlight on Our Opening Speaker

Spotlight on Our Opening Speaker: Professor Bernard Ars We are thrilled to introduce our esteemed Opening Speaker for the upcoming MaterCare Rome Conference: Professor Bernard Ars. With a distinguished career that bridges medical practice, bioethics, and academia, Prof. Ars brings a wealth of knowledge and

Promemoria: 5 years since our Consecration to the Sacred Heart

On June 21st 2019, catholic physicians from all over the world gathered in Rome for a unique event in the history of F.I.A.M.C.: The Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. President Bernard Ars All texts can be found on this special page. Members of the

Work, challenges for man today

Bernard Ars, M.D., Ph.D.. Président de la Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques F.I.A.M.C. - President of the World Federation of the Catholic Doctors ‘The Lord God took the man and led him into the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it.

Le travail, défis pour l´être humain, aujourd´hui

Bernard Ars, M.D., Ph.D.. Président de la Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques (F.I.A.M.C.). « Le Seigneur Dieu prit l’homme et le conduisit dans le jardin d’Eden pour qu’il le travaille et le garde » Genèse 2, 15. Nous sommes sans nul doute à l’ère du numérique.

El trabajo, un desafío para el hombre, hoy

Bernard Ars, M.D., Ph.D.. Presidente de la Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Médicos Católicos (F.I.A.M.C.) “El Señor Dios tomó al hombre y lo llevó al jardín del Edén para que lo labrara y lo guardara” Génesis 2, 15. Sin duda estamos en la era digital.

Book: “Medicine: Restorative or Transformative?”

On 15-17 October 2022, the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (F.I.A.M.C.), met for their XXVIth Congress at the Augustinianum in Rome, to consider the exercise of their profession under the above topic. They discussed the notion of ‘repair’ under the three aspects: medical, philosophical

Livre: “Réparer ou transformer ?”

Enjeux philosophiques et théologiques d'une question médicale Préface de Peter TurksonContributions de Philippe Cappelle-Dumont, Lorella Congiunti, Giulia Lombardi, Yves Semen, Jean-Guilhem XerriÉdité par Bernard Ars, Dominique Lambert Presses universitaires de Namur | Philosophies, Religions & Sociétés n° 5 Téléchargez le folder ! Nul ne peut nier les aspects positifs fournis par la médecine pour réparer les corps meurtris ou pour pallier des

MISSION, today, urgent and essential !

Prof. Dr. Bernard Ars,President F.I.A.M.C.. MISSION aujourd’hui, urgente et essentielle !¡MISIÓN hoy, urgente e imprescindible! Please scroll down for the French and Spanish text. The "West" has wanted and wants to convert humanity "in precariousness" in the world, to the only "values" that it considers

FIAMC declaration following the WMA General Assembly in Berlin

The World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC) welcomes several new policies published by the World Medical Association (WMA) following the General Assembly in Berlin, October 2022. They include new Declarations on Racism and Discrimination Against Elderly Individuals in Healthcare Settings as well as the

Education of the Catholic Practicing Medicine

"EDUCATION OF THE CATHOLIC PRACTICING MEDICINE" is a text by Prof. Dr. Benard Ars, President of the World Federation of Catholiques Physicians, made available in five languages to the participants of the 26th World Congress of Catholic Physicians that took place in Rome, Institute Augustinianum,

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