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Polish bishops: Letter on the Protection of Life

No one, in the name of personal freedom, has the right to decide on the life of another human being – write Polish bishops in the Letter of the Polish Bishops’ Conference on the Protection of Life. They appeal for commitment to the legal protection

UK bishops on gender

PLENARIES Bishops issue pastoral reflection on gender  Wednesday, April 24th, 2024 @ 11:04 am CBCEW » Gender » » Bishops issue pastoral reflection o... The Catholic Bishops of England and Wales have issued a pastoral reflection on gender, highlighting the teaching of the Church but stressing that accompanying those

COMECE on abortion

COMECE issues statement ahead of EP vote on the inclusion of abortion in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Ahead of the vote by the European Parliament on the Resolution for the ‘Inclusion of the right to abortion in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights’

9 Days for Life

MEDIA ADVISORY: “9 Days for Life” Unites Hundreds of Thousands in Prayer for the Protection of Life Catholics nationwide are invited to pray “9 Days for Life,” an annual Respect Life novena starting Tuesday, January 16.January 8, 2024 WASHINGTON - Catholics nationwide are invited to

It’s Not Your Life, It’s Not Your Death, It’s Not Your Choice

When I was an auxiliary bishop in the Los Angeles Archdiocese some years ago, the state of California was militating in favor of physician-assisted suicide. During the campaign, while driving through my pastoral region, I saw a pro-euthanasia billboard with the following message: “My Life,

Denver: Pastoral Letter on Marijuana

Sisters and Brothers in Christ, with each passing day, we are confronted with the challenges of the broad acceptance of recreational marijuana both politically and culturally in Colorado and beyond. I write to you out of pastoral concern for the salvation of souls, and I

Bishops’ statement on Indi Gregory

CBCEW » Life Issues » End of Life » » Bishops’ statement on Indi Gregory Bishop Patrick McKinney, Bishop of Nottingham, and Bishop John Sherrington, Lead Bishop for Life Issues, have commented on the case of Indi Gregory, a critically ill eight-month-old baby being treated at Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham:

France: toute vie est un don

Toute vie est un don pour ce monde | Déclaration des évêques de France au sujet de l’inscription de la liberté d’avorter dans la constitution Publié le 08 novembre 2023 Le Président de la République a annoncé récemment sa décision d’entamer le processus devant aboutir

Brasil: nota por la vida

NOTA PELA VIDA E EM REPÚDIO À ADPF 442 A Comissão Especial de Bioética da CNBB condena e acompanha atentamente a proposta de abrigamento jurídico do aborto até à 12ª semana de gravidez, trazido pela ADPF 442, pelo fato de tratar sobre um aspecto ético

COMECE: concerns about draft on substances of human origin

COMECE and Katholisches Büro express concerns over EP SoHO Regulation Draft The Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) and the Katholisches Büro in Berlin are jointly releasing a statement on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, expressing their deep concerns about the draft

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