World Youth Days – Lisbon 2023
Update July 3rd 2023
- First images of the First FIAMC Bootcamp in Lisbon
- III Young Catholic Doctors International Meeting Fully Booked !

FIAMC was once again be present in the World Youth Days (WYD). We aim to be closer to medical students and our younger colleagues. They are not only the future of our National Associations, of our continental federations and of our World Federation. They are also the hope for medicine, everywhere in the world, based on a true understanding of the human dignity, informed by the richness of the catholic faith.
This year we are preparing two meetings for WYD Lisbon 2023 :
- Bootcamp ‘Tirocinium AD MMXXIII‘: July 28 – July 31.
- III Young Catholic Doctors International Meeting: August 2nd.
More info:
Camp Name: Tirocinium AD MMXXIII
Tirocinium shall be the First International Medical Students Leadership Bootcamp promoted by FIAMC uniting the expertise of CMA Youth Sections from USA, Portugal, Croatia, Netherlands and Brazil.
We invite each national Catholic Medical Association (CMA) find students to join our Tirocinium. The president or a director of the CMA should write a simple recommendation letter to be attached to these students application form. If possible, we ask you to send the names of the two nominees to the e-mail If your CMA does not have a student to nominate, we would ask you to share and promote the event locally so interested students can apply directly.
If you do not know a CMA in your region, you can also apply individually.
If you have any further questions about the Tirocinium event or application process, please contact us at

Events Summary
Theme: “Stand Up and Go” (Luke 17:19)
Type of event: Bootcamp
Location: Quinta da Texuga, Rua da Texuga 2050-366, Azambuja, Portugal
Dates: Friday afternoon, July 28 to late Monday afternoon, July 31, 2023
Cost: 100 Euros
Application form:
“There are still a few vacancies left, so if you know of any medical student that may be interested to participate, do not hesitate to fill in the application form”.
Meeting name: III Young Catholic Doctors International Meeting

Events Summary
Theme: “Stand Up and Go” (Luke 17:19)
Type of event: Symposium
Date: Wednesday, August 2nd 2023
Time: 14:00 – 17:00 h
Who is it for:
– medical students
– doctors,
– health care workers,
– health care enthusiasts,
– high school students wanting to enroll in medical school.
– …
Cost: free admission
Application: not necessary
Venue: Auditorium of Ordem Contabilistas Certificados
Av. Barbosa Du Bocage 45, 1049-013 Lisboa
3 minutes walking from Campo Pequeno metro station
– Introduce participants to the F.I.A.M.C. and to Societas Lucae
– Share experiences about the challenges of being a Catholic medical student or a young catholic doctor around the world.
Opening session:
Prof. Dr. José Diogo Ferreira Martins (President of the Portuguese Catholic Doctors Association)
– Pe. Miguel Cabral (Spiritual advisor of the Portuguese Catholic Doctors Association)
– Prof. Dr. Pedro Pimenta de Mello Spineti (President of the Brazilian Catholic Doctors Association)
– Prof. Dr. António Médina de Almeida (Dean of the Medicine Faculty of the Catholic University of Lisbon)
Societas Lucae: “Stand Up and Go”
– Dr. Thomas W. McGovern (Catholic Medical Association – United States of America)
– Benedita Pacheco de Carvalho (medical student from the Portuguese Catholic Doctors Association)
– Testimonies, small group discussion and sharing of experiences
– Plenary session
– Closing session
Pictures from the previous meetings
