Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Abortion and the French Constitution

Anne Lastman News has spread around the world that France became the first country to enshrine abortion rights into its constitution (rules which govern a country) and my first sense was one of shock. Surely it cannot be possible that in  this time and society

France: Avorter dans la Constitution?

Toute vie est un don pour ce monde | Déclaration des évêques de France au sujet de l’inscription de la liberté d’avorter dans la Constitution Publié le 08 novembre 2023  télécharge le texte Le Président de la République a annoncé récemment sa décision d’entamer le processus

January 19: March for Life

Abortion is the most significant human rights abuse of our time. Will you take a stand? Join us for theNational March For Life Washington, D.C. | January 19, 2024 FacebookTwitterCompartir

Legalizing Abortion Is Wrong

A Common Argument for Legalizing Abortion Is Wrong Pro-choice activists at a "Stop Abortion Bans Day of Action" rally hosted by the Tennessee chapter of Planned Parenthood in Memphis, Tenn., May 21, 2019.(Karen Pulfer Focht/Reuters) By CALUM MILLER January 5, 2024. Legalizing abortion does not keep

IVF- and Abortion Losses

Anne Lastman As a preamble, I wish to state that I do not intend to enter deeply into the world of IVF as I am not trained in this field.  However, what I do want to do is offer a thought, an idea, why natural

Abortion Grief and Violence not a Hypocrisy

Anne Lastman An article came across my desk which distressed me beyond belief.  It was written by a male (not that there is anything wrong with that) but he wrote about violence, domestic violence, abortion, and hypocrisy.  His inference is that society grieves about outward

How to STOP Planned Parenthood’s Favorite Pill

El niño concebido y no nacido

El derecho al aborto sería supuesto “derecho” a matar a otro. Se aduce frecuentemente para defender el aborto que la mujer puede hacer con su cuerpo lo que quiera. Pues bien, cuando la mujer queda encinta, se segrega una sustancia hormonal para evitar el rechazo

To South Carolina State legislature

Catholic Medical Association (USA) member, Dr Peter Bleyer, recently sent a message to the South Carolina State legislature, calling for passage of the 2022 Human Life Protection Life. His comments have been highlighted in the February issue of the National Right to Life News: "(In)

Vietnam diocese buries 700 aborted fetuses

Burials in Xuan Loc diocese were to 'apologize to unborn babies for the pain and suffering they endured' Fathers Joseph Nguyen Van Tich (left) and Vincent Nguyen Minh Tien bless dead fetuses at Bac Hai Church before burying them on Jan. 29. (Photo: By UCA News

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