Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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An excellent Prayer for Catholic Doctors

Journey with Jesus and Mary The mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Journey Through Time Anne Lastman The Rosary considered a Catholic prayer, and today in our daily prayer life is thought best left to the nanas, elderly aunts and even older mothers but not a

Whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant

Thursday 25th July 2024 Analise D Mello MBBS, MS obgyn, DNB whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant;whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave.Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be servedbut to serve

St Camillus de Lellis

On 14 & 18 July, we have just celebrated the extraordinary life of SAINT CAMILLUS DE LELLIS "The Hospital is a House of God, a Garden where the Voices of the Sick are Music from Heaven."  From improbable beginnings – a wastrel, addicted to gambling,

Catholic Medical Assoc inspired me to be a Christian Doctor

How CMA Has Inspired Me to Be a Physician that Imitates Christ July 16, 2024 By Dr. Brooke Gensler How has the Catholic Medical Association’s vision to inspire physicians to imitate Jesus Christ impacted me? In my final days of family medicine residency, I find

La Virgen del Carmen

La pequeñez de María puede ser colmada por la grandeza de Dios que “ensalzó a los humildes”. Y le concede una cascada de favores en favor de sus hijos, sus hermanos, hombres y mujeres. Y el escapulario es desde tiempos antiguos parte de esa agua

Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,and I will give you rest

Thursday 18th July 2024 Analise D Mello MBBS, MS obgyn, DNB “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,and I will give you rest". Half the year has passed by already and I can’t fathom how I burdened my brain with petty issues

Whatever town or village you enter, look for a worthy person in it

Analise D Mello MBBS, MS obgyn, DNB As an unmarried woman, in Indian culture at my age of 35 years it is a rarity. I am constantly asked about why I didn’t marry as yet or why I choose not to divulge any such plans.

Malaysia: Card Francis, announced cause for nurse Sybil Kathigasu

Penang opens the cause of beatification for Sybil Kathigesu, a courageous woman who stood up to the Japanese by Joseph Masilamany Card Sebastian Francis made the announcement on Monday. Born in 1899, Sybil was a Catholic nurse who cared for the poor. During the Second

St Mark Ji, doctor and a saint

The Story of Saint Mark Ji Tianxiang – doctor, addict, martyr- and a saint. When you think of a Saint of the Church what comes to mind?  Perhaps the Holy Apostles, the first messengers of the Good News?  Perhaps some of the Doctors of the

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