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Lisboa: Oportunidades y desafíos de la Inteligencia Artificial en la Medicina

Lisboa: Capela do Rato acolhe conferência sobre «Oportunidades e Desafios da Inteligência Artificial na Medicina» Lisboa, 06 dez 2024 (Ecclesia) – Os professores Alexandre Castro Caldas e Henrique Sousa Antunes vão falar, dia 18 deste mês, pelas 21h30, na Capela do Rato, em Lisboa, sobre

Societas Lucae in Lourdes Societas Lucae is the young member outreach of FIAMC (Catholic Physicians Throughout the World | Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques).If you are a medical student or resident doctor up to 40 years old, join us! Together, we want to inspire medical students and

Croatia: Ethical Challenges in Medicine

CROATIAN CATHOLIC MEDICAL SOCIETYBranch "Branimir Richter" in Zagreborganizes a course and invites you to participate ETHICAL CHALLENGES IN MEDICINE – END OF LIFE The course leader is prim. dr. med. Ivan Barišić, nephrologist, acting president of the HKLD "Branimir Richter" Branch in Zagreb. Organizing Committee: Assoc. Prof.

Univ Catholique de Lille: HIstoire de la Médecine

Conférence Histoire De La Médecine L’association des anciens de la Faculté de Médecine, Maïeutique, Sciences de la Santé (FMMS) vous propose d’assister à la conférence ” Histoire de la Médecine : Cinq siècles de transfusion”. Celle-ci sera dispensée par le Pr J.L.Demory. Elle se déroulera le jeudi 12 décembre

800 anni di Medicina a Vercelli

800 anni di Medicina a Vercelli – PASSATO E FUTURO DELL’OSPEDALE SANT’ANDREA 15 Novembre 2024 Carissimi amici dell’AMCI, l’Ospedale Sant’Andrea di Vercelli è antichissimo, fondato otto secoli fa, come “hospitale per li poveri ammalati”, cioè come luogo accogliente e sicuro, in cui chi soffre possa

Croatia: Dying for the Truth

The Branch of the Croatian Catholic Society "Branimir Richter" in Zagreb organizes a lecture and invites you to attend with special pleasure "Professor Ljudevit Jurak – Dying for the Truth" The lecturer is prof. prim. dr. sc. Marina Kos, specialist in pathology, and the positions are

Poland: on the abortion bill

Letter from KSM to Parliamentarians regarding the decision to continue the bill on the decriminalization of abortion Catholic Medical Associations: the Catholic Association of Polish Doctors, the Catholic Association of Polish Nurses and Midwives, the Association of Polish Catholic Pharmacists, and the Catholic Association of

Netherlands: Pilgrims of Hope

Presentations Pilgrims of Hope – health care workers November 9, 2024 Presentations Pilgrims of Hope - health care workers - Network of Catholic Healthcare Professionals Netherlands

Belgium: Caring for People at the Edges

Caring for people at the edges – November 16th 2024 Leuven What more can we do, as doctors and healthcare providers, for refugees, the isolated elderly, the terminally ill and patients with chronic psychiatric disorders? “Caring for People at the Edges of our Healthcare System”

Poland: against depravation of children

11/11/2024 Position of the Catholic Medical Associations on attempts to implement systemic sexual depravation of children. The Catholic Medical Associations have submitted to the Minister of Education, as part of public consultations, a developed position negatively assessing the core curriculum of the compulsory subject proposed

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