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Nigeria: Cath medical practitioners elect new Exco

7th July 2024 By Ikenna Obianeri A public health consultant at the University of Jos Teaching Hospital, Prof. Abigail Agbo, has been elected President of the Association of Catholic Medical Practitioners of Nigeria for four years. Agbo, a member of the Jos Diocese of ACMPN, is

Croatia: New Gazette

Dear readers, dear HKLD members! In this issue of Glasnik, we bring you three articles written on the occasion of the forum "Contemporary Aspects of Marriage and Parenthood" held in March of this year, organized by HKLD and the Center for the Study of the

Actuar. Por un nuevo renacimiento europeo

Josep Miró i Ardèvol Saludos y agradecimiento. El tema que me habéis encargado Por un nuevo renacimiento europeo viene precedido del verbo actuar dirigido a alcanzar un fin: el renacer de Europa. Comienzo, pues, por estas dos palabras que son claves: acción y renacimiento. La

Request from our Asian Congress in Seoul

Request for participation and promotion Peace be with you! We hope this email finds you well. It is our great honor to announce that the 18th Asian Federation of Catholic Medical Associations 2024 Congress (AFCMA2024) will be held in Seoul, Korea from November 7 to 10

USA: Conference of Sexuality, Identity…

CMA’s Annual Conference: Focus on Sexuality, Identity and Trends to Alter our Bodies and Humanity July 16, 2024 By Félix A. Rodríguez, MD  The selection of themes to explore at CMA’s Annual Educational Conference (AEC) takes months of discernment and preparation. This year has been

Asia: Purgatory: What Every Catholic Must Know

In response to the growing clouds of doubts among the Catholic faithfuls and the ever increasing rates of protestant sects questioning and denying the Catholic teachings of purgatory, the HLI Pilipinas, side-by-side with the National Council of the Laity of the Philippines and with the

Lourdes: Educare alla Pace, Promuovere la Pace e la Salute

Lourdes, 23 luglio 2024Sala Hémicycle Convegno Moderatori: Alessandro de Franciscis, Aldo Bova09.00 IntroduzioneAlessandro de Franciscis, Aldo Bova09.10 Tutto è Perduto con la GuerraAlessandro de Franciscis09.25La Preghiera per la PaceDon Isidoro Mercuri Giovinazzo09.35 Vita nascente, prima pietra del nuovo umanesimoMarina Casini09.45 Prepararci all’età “grande”Filippo Boscia09.55 Promuovere giustizia

Attack on the National Children’s Hospital “Ohmatdyt

July 8 changed our lives irrevocably. On this day Ukraine experienced one of the most massive russian missile attacks on our country, in particular on the capital, Kyiv. As a result of the attack by the russians, 44 people died, 196 people were injured, including

Asia: Current Global Threats and Challenges in 2024

Hundreds of lay leaders and para-medical professionals attended the special conference on the topic, "Current Global Threats and Challenges in 2024". The whole day event was held at Holiday Plaza Hotel right at the heart of uptown Cebu City, Philippines. The event started with the praying of

Australia: July Newsletter

 ‘Save us, Lord, we are going down!’ And he said to them, ‘Why are you so frightened, you men of little faith?’ And with that he stood up and rebuked the winds and the sea; and all was calm again.- Matthew 8:23-27 ......... This week.... an update

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