Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Croatia: Lung Damage and Tobacco

Organized by the Croatian Catholic Medical Association, Branch "Branimir Richter" in Zagreb, a lecture by doc. dr. sc. prime. Renata Vrsalović, MD, PhD Lung damage caused by the use of e-cigarettes Assoc. Prof. Renata Vrsalović is a specialist in pediatrics, a subspecialist in pediatric pulmonology, an

Medical students at SEEK25

CMA Members Encounter Hope at SEEK25 Conference January 10, 2025 By Conaire Bradfield It was an incredible experience to begin 2025 reaching out to aspiring medical and other health professional students at SEEK25. The hope I encountered from this next generation of authentically Catholic trainees


Start:End:Monday, February 10, 2025, 8:00 PM, Monday, February 10, 2025, 9:30 PM Online workshop on surrogacy to be held on Monday 10 February 2025, 20:00 to 21:30. Marion Verwij-Didden, gynaecologist and board member of the Catholic Foundation for Medical Ethics will introduce the topic, after

Del Dr. Fabián Romano

"Un nuevo capítulo al Servicio de la Fe y de la Medicina" Palabras del Presidente: Dr. Fabián Romano Consorcio de Médicos Católicos de Buenos Aires Mensaje del Presidente Estimados y queridos colegas: Es para mí un honor asumir la presidencia del Consorcio de Médicos Católicos

On our Congress in Seoul

18th AFCMA CONGRESS 2024 SEOUL, KOREA. 7th to 10th NOV 2024 The 18th AFCMA Congress was successfully held in Seoul, Korea from 7th to 10th Nov.2024.Congratulations to Prof. Seung Kew Yoon,  Organising Chairman 18th AFCMA Congress and his Organising Committee for a job well done! The THEME of the

From USA Episcopal Adviser

A Christmas Message from Bishop Conley December 25, 2024 Merry Christmas! I want to take this moment to express my Christmas prayers and blessings to you and to your families for the Christmas season. I am always struck by the joy that permeates all the

Consiglio Nazionale A.M.C.I. 2024-2028

Il 28° Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Medici Cattolici Italiani (AMCI) si è svolto ad Ascoli dal 3 al 5 ottobre u.s. Al termine è stato eletto il nuovo Consiglio Nazionale AMCI per il quadriennio 2024. 2028, ed è stato eletto Presidente Nazionale Stefano Ojetti che raccoglie

« Prends soin de lui » – 2ème WE de formation pour les soignants

« Prends soin de lui » - 2ème WE de formation pour les soignants Cette formation anthropologique organisée le premier week-end de mars est proposée au personnel soignant.Dans la continuité du premier week-end des 16 et 17 novembre 2024, cette formation croisera les approches complémentaires

Australia: December Newsletter

Jesus is born for a humanity searching for freedom and peace;he is born for everyone burdened by sin,in need of salvation, and yearning for hope.'- Pope John Paul II, Homily 24 Dec, 2002-----/////---- CMA National ConferenceMelbourne, October 18th 2025Wishing a very happy and holy Christmas

Croatia: Advent Spiritual Renewal

19 DEC OSIJEK: ADVENT SPIRITUAL RENEWAL FOR FOUR CATHOLIC ASSOCIATIONS Organized by the Institute for New Evangelization "Saint John Paul II" in Osijek, an Advent spiritual renewal was held at the Archbishop's Vicariate on December 16 for four Catholic associations: the Association of Catholic Intellectuals, the

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