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New appointments for Healthcare Commission

Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin appoints new members to the Healthcare Commission created by Pope Francis in 2015. By Vatican News Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, has appointed new members to the “Pontifical Commission for activities of the health sector of

Pontificia Commissione settore sanitario delle persone giuridiche pubbliche della Chiesa

Designazione dei componenti della “Pontificia Commissione per le attività del settore sanitario delle persone giuridiche pubbliche della Chiesa” Sua Eminenza il Cardinale Segretario di Stato, in forza del mandato conferitogli dal Santo Padre Francesco, in data 1° giugno 2020, ha provveduto a designare i nuovi

¿Jesús nace “con un pan bajo el brazo”?

Navidad: ¿Jesús nace “con un pan bajo el brazo”? Publicado en 18 diciembre, 2019 por Prensa Jesús nació en Belén, cuyo significado es “la casa del pan”. En hebreo, beth significa “casa” y lehem significa “pan”; la palabra Bethlehem, casa del pan, derivó en nuestro Belén. Desde aquí podemos preguntarnos: ¿Cuál es

Card. Parolin on Religion and Medical Ethics; Palliative Care and Elderly Mental Health

Sala stampa della Santa Sede Pubblichiamo di seguito il Messaggio che il Segretario di Stato, l’ Card. Pietro Parolin, ha inviato questa mattina, per l’apertura dei lavori, al Presidente della Pontificia Accademia per la Vita, S.E. Mons. Vincenzo Paglia, e ai partecipanti al Simposio Internazionale

Pope to Catholic NGOs

Pope to Catholic NGOs: Move forward with courage and hope Pope Francis welcomed Papal representatives, representatives of Dicasteries of the Roman Curia, and members of Catholic-inspired NGOs to the “See of Peter” on Saturday, as a symbol of their “communion with the universal Church”. By

On the Convention on Climate Change (Madrid, 2-13 December 2019)

To Her Excellency, Mrs. Carolina Schmidt, Minister of Environment of Chile, President of the COP25, Twenty-Fifth Session of the Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Madrid, 2-13 December 2019) On December 12, 2015, the COP 21 adopted the

Pope sends prayers to UNITALSI

Pope sends prayers to UNITALSI ahead of pilgrimage to Lourdes Pope Francis sends a message in which he offers his prayers to the participants of UNITALSI’s national pilgrimage to Lourdes… UNITALSI is run by volunteers, and the pilgrims travel in search of serenity and comfort

Card Parolin to Universal Health Coverage

Statement by His Eminence Pietro Cardinal ParolinSecretary of State of the Holy SeeHead of the Delegation of the Holy See to theSeventy-Fourth Session of the UN General Assembly2019 High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage “Universal Health Coverage: moving together to build a healthier world”New York,

Card. Parolin: Healthcare not just heals…

Healthcare not just heals but also accompanies and safeguards Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin on July 24 addressed the administrators and staff of the Vatican’s Bambino Gesù Paediatric Hospital in Rome at a stocktaking event for the year 2018. By Robin Gomes There

Cdl Parolin Joins Celebrations for 150 “Bambino Gesu” Pediatric Hospital

Like This, We Must Proceed: Caring for Sick Children, as a Sign of Jesus and His Church, Urges Cardinal Parolin Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin Joins Celebrations for 150 Years of Vatican’s “Bambino Gesu” Pediatric HospitalMARCH 19, 2019 15:13DEBORAH CASTELLANO LUBOVPOPE AND HOLY SEE, UNCATEGORIZED

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