In This Issue

Summary of key articles


Down’s syndrome: Blessing or not?
Dr Pravin Thevathasan

Roe vs Wade: rejoicing and a note of caution
Dr Adrian Treloar

The gifts of Down’s syndrome- John was my brother
Dr Adrian Treloar

Professor Lejeune on the destiny of people with Down’s syndrome
Dr Adrian Treloar

General Charles De Gaulle and a very special person with Down’s syndrome

Faith In Medicine

Towards a Spirituality of Healthcare
Fr James McTavish


Pope Francis encourages adoption and warns of “Demographic Winter”

Abortion at home: A mystery client investigation – Christian Concern

15% of UK women coerced into abortions

Ethics in Medicine

Brain Stem death and the case of Archie Battersbee
Dr Adrian Treloar


Towards a More Human Society – ‘NO’ to euthanasia and assisted suicide
Fr James Mc Tavish

Loneliness, Euthanasia and the Wholeness of Human Personhood Part 2 of 3
Loneliness leading to Euthanasia

Francis Etheredge

Recent Meetings

The Annual Conference: ‘Palliative Care: the Christian Way’
Sussex Branch: Healing in the Bible
Portsmouth Branch: Towards a Spirituality of Medicine.

Book Reviews

Listen: How to find the words for tender conversation
Dr Kathryn Mannix

“Grace explained” How to receive and retain God’s Most Powerful Gift
Fr Brian Mullady

Speaking for the Unborn: 30-Second Pro-Life Rebuttals to Pro-Choice Arguments
Steven A Christie

The Art of Living: The Cardinal Virtues and the Freedom to Love
Edward Sri

The Truth about Clergy Sexual Abuse: Clarifying the Facts and the Causes
Bill Donohue