Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Medical profession exerts great impact on quality of family life

26 April 1986 To the participants in the International Congress on Cancer and Hormones On Saturday, 26 April the Pope gave a brief address to the International Congress on Cancer and Hormones in the Paul VI Hall. Dear Friends, I greet most cordially the participants

Church must lead couples to the truth about themselves and their love

1 March 1984 To the priests participating in a seminar on "Responsible Parenthood" On the morning of Thursday, 1 March the Pope spoke to the priests participating in a seminar on “Responsible parenthood: scientific philosophical and theological foundation”, which began on 28 February at the

Christian vocation of spouses may demand even heroism

17 September 1983 To the priests participants in a seminar on "Responsible Parenthood" On the morning of Saturday, 17 September, the Holy Father received in audience the more than fifty priests who had participated in a study seminar on the theme “Responsible Parenthood: scientific, philosophical

The Church is grateful for the help you offer married couples

3 July 1982 To the  participants in a course on Natural Regulation of Fertility On Sunday, 3 July, Pope John Paul II met with a hundred participants in a training and updating course of the Study and Research Centre on Natural Regulation of Fertility, sponsored

John Paul II to midwives: “You are the guardians of human life”

26 January 1980 To the participants in a Meeting for midwives On Sunday, 26 January, John Paul II received in audience  participants  in the specialized  Meeting for midwives, organized by the Catholic  Medical Operators  Association. The meeting, attended by over two hundred midwives, was dedicated

Declaration on Sexual Ethics (1975)

SACRED CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH PERSONA HUMANA DECLARATION ON CERTAIN QUESTIONS CONCERNING SEXUAL ETHICS I According to contemporary scientific research, the human person is so profoundly affected by sexuality that it must be considered as one of the factors which give to

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