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Personalidad adolescente e influencia del alcohol y la pornografía

Personalidad adolescente e influencia del alcohol y la pornografía. Debate de expertos en Barcelona el 8 de mayo. Dos adicciones de gran actualidad -el abuso del alcohol y la pornografía- amenazan la personalidad de los adolescentes. Muchos adolescentes están enganchados al botellón y tienen comportamientos

Question on the liceity of a hysterectomy in certain cases

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Response to a question on the liceity of a hysterectomy in certain cases On July 31, 1993, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith published Responses to Questions Proposed Concerning “Uterine Isolation” and Related Matters. These responses, which retain all of their validity, consider the removal of the uterus to be morally licit when there is a grave and present danger to the life or health of the mother, and hold as illicit, insofar as they are methods of direct sterilization, the removal of the uterus and tubal ligation (uterine isolation) with the intention of making impossible an eventual pregnancy which can pose some risk for the mother.

Question on the liceity of a hysterectomy in certain cases

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Response to a questionon the liceity of a hysterectomy in certain cases On July 31, 1993, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the faith published Responses to Questions Proposed Concerning “Uterine Isolation” and Related Matters. These responses, which retain

El problema de la gestación subrogada

La gestación subrogada es, en definición de la OMS, una técnica de reproducción asistida, que se da cuando una mujer lleva el embarazo y da a luz un bebé que, genética y legalmente, pertenece a otros padres La gestante subrogada es, por tanto, la mujer

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Adicción al sexo

“La sed del alma y el anhelo de la carne de los que habla el salmista no se pueden eliminar; así el hombre, sin saberlo, va en busca del Infinito, pero en direcciones equivocadas: en la droga, en una sexualidad vivida de modo desordenado, en

Sobre la castidad

CASTIDAD Y REPRESIÓN Algunos conocidos estudiosos de la sexualidad humana llaman represión a la no satisfacción inmediata, o por toda la vida, del instinto sexual. Sería algo así como cercenar la propia naturaleza. Ahora bien, para entender a qué se llama “represión”, con la consecuencia

Faithful to God´s Design

Humanae Vitae Conference Date: Saturday November 10, 2018 Please consider attending this event. It features 4 amazing speakers who are extremely well regarded, as well as Mass celebrated by our Archbishop. WHAT: “Faithful to God’s Design: Humanae Vitae at 50” WHERE: Mass at St Basil’s

Conference ‘Advancing Humanae vitae’ 2018

What --- A national conference sponsored by major Catholic health care and educational institutions, including The National Catholic Bioethics Center, the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Ascension, Catholic Health Services of Long Island, Franciscan Alliance, Geisinger Holy Spirit, Mercy, OSF HealthCare, Saint Louis University, and the

Homosexuality and Sexual Abuse

By Anne Lastman Many voices, especially within the Catholic system which is under the dark shadow of shame, are calling out that the sexual abuse crisis/scandal which has been found and exposed within the church and priesthood should be placed at the feet of homosexual

Letter of His Holiness to the People of God

In English and Spanish “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it” (1 Cor 12:26). These words of Saint Paul forcefully echo in my heart as I acknowledge once more the suffering endured by many minors due to sexual abuse, the abuse of power

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