Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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FIAMC Bio-Medical Ethics Course It is offered by. F.I.A.M.C. Bio-Medical Ethics Centre in collaboration withCollege of Social Work (Autonomous) Nirmala NiketanConducted by the Dean and team of FIAMCSchedule: Second Sunday of every month, Time: 9.00 am to 1.00 pmDuration: 9 months (July 2024 - March 2025) Attendance is compulsory

Catholic Medical Students Belgium on Mission

Hi everyone! I’m Christina, a final year medical student from Belgium. I would like to share with you how participating to the “Mission Conference“ in Brussels became a blessing, and how it showed me I'm not alone as a Christian doctor.  So that weekend in

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The Formation of a Catholic Physician (Promemoria)

Linacre Q. February, 2015; 82(1): 13–17. James McTavish*A Integrating Faith and Life as a Catholic Physician I had an interesting experience in talking to a young Catholic doctor who is undergoing residency training at the moment. His struggle is that he is working so hard and

Experiencia en campamento para jóvenes médicos

Coincidiendo con la JMJ 2023, la FIAMC decidió organizar un campamento para jóvenes estudiantes de medicina y jóvenes médicos católicos 4 días antes del inicio de esta,  con el objetivo de formarnos en temas como la vocación, bioética y liderazgo y así construir con fundamento

FIAMC, Medicine, and WYD: the wonder of the encounter

The World Youth Day (WYD) 2023 event ended two weeks ago. In the first days of August, Lisbon became the meeting point for 1,500,000,000 young pilgrims worldwide. This was the 16th edition of an event that began in Rome in 1984 and has already traveled

World Youth Day 2023

Anne Lastman Now that the noise and kerfuffle about World Youth Day 2023 has died down I would like to add some ideas of my own.  I have never been to a WYD being an oldie. However, I have to admit upfront that I am

First images of the First FIAMC Bootcamp in Lisbon

On the first day of the World Youth Days 2023 in Lisbon, we present your the first images of the First International Medical Students Leadership Bootcamp ‘Tirocinium AD MMXXIII‘, promoted by FIAMC organized by CMA Youth Sections from USA, Portugal, Croatia, Netherlands and Brazil, held from July

III Young Catholic Doctors International Meeting – Lisbon

Events Summary Theme:  “Stand Up and Go” (Luke 17:19)Type of event: SymposiumDate: Wednesday, August 2nd 2023Time: 14:00 – 17:00 hWho is it for:– medical students– doctors,– health care workers,– health care enthusiasts,– high school students wanting to enroll in medical school.– …Cost: free admissionApplication: not necessary Venue: Auditorium of Ordem Contabilistas

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World Youth Days – Lisbon 2023

FIAMC will once again be present in the World Youth Days (WYD). We aim to be closer to medical students and our younger colleagues. They are not only the future of our National Associations, of our continental federations and of our World Federation. They are also the

UK: Our Youth Branch

The CMA’s Youth Branch supports young Catholics in healthcare (18-40). How? Our annual conference hosted in the early autumn provides teaching, catechesis and social time – it’s a great way to meet other young Catholics in healthcare.Our day retreats in the spring are an opportunity

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