Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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FIAMC President: Texts and activities (update Rome 2022)

During the meeting of the Executive Committee of FIAMC in Rome, Tuesday Sept 28th 2021 at the Augustinianum (pictures below), an overview of the many written interventions and other activities of President Benard Ars during the three years of his presidency until now, has been

MaterCare Conference – Rome 2022 – “Mothers are Women too!”

Postponed conference 2021 "Mothers are Women too" Prioritizing maternal health in the new millennium 13 – 14 September 2022 MaterCare International The 11th Biennal Rome ConferenceThe 13th International Conference Maria Santissima Bambina Institute Via Paolo VI, 21 Rome, Italy To register, please email: On

President Ars Opening Address – MaterCare Conference 2022

Dear President Chazan, Dear Bogdan, Dear colleagues, Dear friends, It is a great joy and an honour for me, as President of the World Federation of Catholic Physicians, as well as on my own behalf, to be able to deliver to you the opening address

OFFICIAL PROGRAM – 26th World Congress Catholic Physicians

For the upcoming World Congress of Catholic Physiciansto be held in Rome, September 15-17th Theme Medicine: restorative or transformative ?The mission of the christian physician. PLEASE FIND THE PROGRAM HERE Congress website: Looking forward to meeting you in Rome ! Vincent KemmeCongress

FIAMC was present at VISA pour l´ Image Edition 2022 Photos: FIAMC Press Services

Promemoria: FIAMC Document on Humanae vitae

FIAMC Document (2008) Forty years of Humanae Vitae from a medical perspective Oboedire oportet Deo magis quam hominibus SummaryThe encyclical Humanae Vitae by Pope Paul VI was published forty-four years ago, encountering significant opposition from many areas, such as the Königstein Declaration, made by the German

Video: Dr. Bernard Ars presents the XXVI World Congress in Rome

in French, with English subtitels (cc) Médecin-Chirurgien Nez-Gorge-Oreilles,Très heureux dans mon métier dans lequel j’ai pu vivre la relation avec les patients, la recherche et l’enseignement, la pratique avec les consultations, les explorations fonctionnelles et la chirurgie,je donne actuellement en post-universitaire, des cours d’anthropologie c.

Open Letter to the World Medical Association on Conscientious Objection

On 11-12 August the World Medical Association in conjunction with the American Medical Association is hosting a meeting of experts in Washington DC to discuss the International Code of Medical Ethics. Among other revisions to the code it is being proposed that the code include

USA: Boot Camp Celebrates 10 Years

Boot Camp Celebrates 10 Years of Making a Difference BY JENNIFER BRANSON Catholic Medical Association’s Medical Student and Resident Boot Camp celebrates 10 years of impacting the lives of medical students and residents who through the years have described the experience as an oasis where

COVID: implications

COVID-19 PANDEMIC: An examination of the clinical, ethical and spiritual implications Join us this September in Rome as we explore the COVID-19 PANDEMIC: An examination of the clinical, ethical and spiritual implications of COVID19 for patients and Catholic healthcare workers. This is the first session

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