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Mgr Aupetit s’élève contre le retour du projet de loi bioéthique

Mgr Aupetit s’élève contre le retour du projet de loi bioéthique à l’Assemblée En France, les députés ont commencé lundi 29 juin l'examen en deuxième lecture du projet de loi de bioéthique, qui ouvre l'accès à la procréation médicalement assistée (PMA) aux couples de femmes

USA: on Legal Definition of “Sex”

President of U.S. Bishops’ Conference Issues Statement on Supreme Court Decision on Legal Definition of “Sex” in Civil Rights Law June 15, 2020 WASHINGTON — The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, provided a statement

Asking Uganda Martyrs to intercede for end to pandemic

Dear beloved People of God, This year, when the entire world is hit by the COVID 19 Pandemic, and so, prompted to adopt new norms like social distancing, the Uganda Episcopal Conference made the historic and momentous decision to suspend public celebrations of the Solemnity

Colombia: La Iglesia ante el coronavirus

Comunicado N° 49 En un comunicado, la Conferencia Episcopal de Colombia (CEC) da respuesta a las inquietudes manifestadas por diversas personas frente a la reapertura de los templos para las celebraciones litúrgicas con la participación de los fieles y explica los caminos que se han

Msgr Gómez: Message to Medical Professionals

Archbishop Gomez extends gratitude and offers prayers to those serving in the medical profession. “Trust in Jesus. He is with you always. Turn to him. Ask his protection and guidance. He will never, ever leave you.”

Coronavirus: a common prayer

Deliver us from evil! Coronavirus, CCEE and COMECE Presidents raise a common prayer to God In response to the difficult time communities all over the world are facing due to the Covid-19 virus outbreak, H.Em. Card. Angelo Bagnasco and H.Em. Card. Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ, respectively

England: Guidelines for Catholics on Organ Donation

Catholic Church issues Guidelines for Catholics on Organ Donation following change in the law Wednesday, May 20th, 2020 On 20 May, an opt-out system for organ donation was introduced in England. The Catholic Church has consistently encouraged its followers to consider organ donation. The act

Minnesota: Resumption of Public Worship

Letter to Catholic Faithful of MN Concerning the Resumption of Public Worship on May 26 PDF Version May 20, 2020 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Catholic Bishops of Minnesota, along with many people of faith, were disappointed in Governor Walz’s May 13 announcement

Obispos argentinos sobre la pandemia

19/03/2020 Acompañamos a todo el Pueblo Argentino que ante esta Pandemia ha sido llamado al cuidado y a la responsabilidad. Cuidarnos a nosotros mismos de un modo responsable es la mejor manera de cuidar a los demás. Creemos que la responsabilidad y el cuidado se

Bienaventuranzas en tiempo de pandemia

En la Carta Pastoral, bajo el título “Bienaventuranzas en tiempo de pandemia”, los prelados de Euskadi y Navarra llaman a una “serena reflexión” para afrontar el futuro y las situaciones de dolor. Dividida en 5 partes, los 48 puntos de la Carta abordan con realismo y

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