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Pope: In Christ, suffering is transformed into love

Pope Francis reflects on the meaning of suffering in an address to the Pontifical Biblical Commission on Thursday, saying the Bible provides an answer to the question of sickness and suffering that is neither utopian nor fatalistic. By Christopher Wells (Vaticannews) In the face of suffering

Pope Francis at home

Pope Francis returns home after brief hospital stay Pope Francis is discharged from the A. Gemelli University hospital on Saturday morning. By Vatican News staff reporter Pope Francis was released from Gemelli Hospital on Saturday morning following a brief hospital stay that involved scheduled tests

Pope Francis urges ethical use of artificial intelligence

While praising the benefits of technology and artificial intelligence, Pope Francis says AI raises serious questions and must be ethically and responsibly used to promote human dignity and the common good. By Deborah Castellano Lubov (Vaticannews) Pope Francis has applauded the benefits of technology and artificial

Pope: Technology must be at the service of humanity

Pope Francis addresses participants in a workshop hosted by the Pontifical Academy for Life on the relationship between the person, emerging technologies and the common good, and reiterates that progress of science and technology must always be at the service of human dignity and integral

Pope Francis on Rare Diseases

Pope calls for inclusion policies for people with rare diseases Meeting a delegation of the Italian Federation of Rare Diseases (UNIAMO), Pope Francis encourages the organization to continue its advocacy for a better quality and inclusive health service for those affected. By Lisa Zengarini (Vaticannews) Pope

Pope: Never forget our brothers and sisters with Hansen’s disease

In a message to participants in a seminar on Hansen’s disease (or ‘leprosy’) and other neglected tropical diseases, Pope Francis says we must ask ourselves, “Will we bend down to touch and heal the wounds of others?” By Christopher Wells (Vaticannews) “We must not forget these

Pope Francis: World Day of the Sick 2023

[ AR  - DE  - EN  - ES  - FR  - IT  - PL  - PT ] MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCISXXXI WORLD DAY OF THE SICK 11 February 2023 “Take care of him”Compassion as a synodal exercise of healing  Dear brothers and sisters! Illness is part of our human condition. Yet, if illness is experienced in isolation and abandonment,

Pope Francis: ‘Health is not a luxury’

Addressing a delegation of Italian radiographers, Pope Francis praises the work of healthcare professionals and calls on governments to ensure universal access to decent healthcare. By Lisa Zengarini (Vaticannews) “A world that discards the sick, which does not assist those who cannot afford treatment, is cynical

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Pope Francis asks for prayers for Benedict XVI

At the end of the General Audience, Pope Francis asks for “special prayers” for Benedict XVI “who is very ill.” The Holy See Press Office director confirms there has been an aggravation in his health condition but says the situation remains stable. By Linda Bordoni (Vaticannews)

Pope Francis to visually-impaired

Pope encourages Italian association for visually-impaired to promote inclusiveness Pope Francis meets members of the Italian Union of Blind and Partially Sighted Persons (UICI), and encourages them to be signs of hope in Italian society as it faces difficult times, like their Patroness St. Lucy

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