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Il Papa prega per gli operatori sanitari

Il Papa prega per gli operatori sanitari che assistono i disabili colpiti dal Covid-19 Nella Messa a Santa Marta, Francesco rivolge il suo pensiero alle persone con disabilità colpiti dal nuovo coronavirus e a medici e infermieri che si prendono cura di loro. Nell’omelia, il

Card. Turkson al Gemelli

Visita a sorpresa del cardinale Turkson al Gemelli per portare l’abbraccio del Papa Il prefetto del Dicastero per il Servizio dello Sviluppo Umano Integrale si è recato in visita al Policlinico in segno di solidarietà con i malati e il personale sanitario. Consegnati anche alcuni

Salus Populi Romani!

Sala stampa della Santa Sede Questo pomeriggio, poco dopo le 16:00, Papa Francesco ha lasciato il Vaticano in forma privata e si è recato in visita alla Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, per rivolgere una preghiera alla Vergine, Salus Populi Romani, la cui icona è

L´Eucaristia ai malati!

Coronavirus, il Papa: i sacerdoti portino l'Eucaristia ai malati Seconda Messa del mattino presieduta da Francesco in diretta streaming da Casa S. Marta. Al nuovo incoraggiamento per gli operatori sanitari che lottano contro il COVID-19 e alle preghiere per gli ammalati, il Pontefice aggiunge l’esortazione

Pope Francis prays for those affected by coronavirus

Pope Francis assures his closeness in prayer to those affected by the current coronavirus epidemic. By Vatican News Speaking from the Library of the Apostolic Palace on Sunday, Pope Francis assured “those suffering from the current coronavirus epidemic and to all those who are caring

Pope Francis – Message for the XXVIII World Day of the Sick – 2020

11 February 2020 “Come to me, all you who labour and are burdened,and I will give you rest” (Mt 11:28) Dear brothers and sisters, 1. Jesus’ words, “Come to me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest” (Mt 11:28) point to the

Pope urges humanization of medicine

Pope urges humanization of medicine and healthcare service “The sick person is not a number: he or she is a person who needs humanity,” Pope Francis told representatives of the Villa Maria Care & Research Group. He particularly drew attention to “closeness”. By Robin Gomes (Vaticannews)

Francis: Elderly have a role in God’s saving plan

Participants at a conference on the pastoral care of the elderly were received in audience by Pope Francis on Friday. In his address, the Holy Father invites the Church to “change her pastoral attitudes in order to respond to the presence of so many elderly

Pope Francis: Society is “civil” if it fights against a “culture of waste”

Pope Francis on Thursday received members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who are holding their Plenary Assembly. In his address, the Holy Father spoke about the “intangible value” of human life, of care for the terminally ill, and of the need

2020 “Year of the Nurse and Midwife”

The greeting of Pope Francis at the Angelus "I am pleased to recall that 2020 has been internationally designated as the Year of Nurses and Midwife. Nurses are the most numerous and closest to the sick, and midwives are perhaps the noblest of the professions. Let

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