Marta Ferents. FEAMC Congress, Porto, October 2016

Ukranian experience in social support to young mothers / Expérience Ukrainienne dans le support social des jeunes mères / Experiência Ucraniana no apoio social às mães jovens

Summary / Résumé / Resumo

Іt took a lot of effort and time to in modern society established the term “young family” which is a special, fundamental group of society and simultaneously acts as a social group and public institutions. Specificity young family determined that it is in the process of its development in which a number of problems, but in spite of this state family policy developed a number of tasks to help young families cope with difficult circumstances.

Social protection of women and children are also involved in NGOs. In the state operate and collaborate over 20 national women’s organizations (Women’s Union of Ukraine, the Union of Ukrainian Women, Women’s Community etc.), About 400 non-governmental organizations declare work with children as its statutory activities (Children’s Fund of Ukraine, the Ukrainian youth Chernobyl Fund Association disabled children, etc.), some 80 organizations and associations at the regional level.

These centers are designed for temporary stay in it for pregnant women 7-9 months pregnant and mothers with children aged from birth to 18 months in difficult circumstances, and therefore there is a high risk of separation of mother and child, and threat to life health of the mother or the child.

Text /Texte / Texto

For each child is important childhood is next to the nearest person – mother.

This creates psychological comfort and stimulates the natural development of the child, is the key to good health later in life. Today, not all new mothers have the knowledge and capabilities to organize and develop child care in the first days of life.

The sages say:”Tell me the condition of women in the country, and we’ll tell you about the country.

Social work in Ukraine has its own characteristics, due to a historical development and the influence of modern global trends. It should be noted that social work in our country is carried out in conditions of acute economic crisis. According to historical experience, the need for comprehensive social work increases particularly in times of crisis, when the worse fate of millions.

Today in Ukraine based care covered virtually all categories of young people in varying degrees, need social assistance, social security and social rehabilitation.

Any society should be interested in reproducing and maintaining full human potential that requires a complex state and public measures aimed at improving the health of women and children and improving the demographic situation in order to ensure a healthy and comprehensive development of young children.

Medical and social importance of health care of mother and child is determined by its leading role in maintaining and improving the health of women, reducing maternal and infant mortality, raising healthy and harmoniously developed generation.

The significance of the health of mother and child is growing due to negative demographic changes, increased incidence of some diseases and disabilities as the working population, and children.

Maternal and child health depends on solving a number of problems, which include

– social protection of families, mothers and children, targeted social assistance;

  • primary focus adequate resources on development of health care and health institutions;
  • introduction of health insurance and reorganization of the existing system of treatment and preventive care;
  • antenatal protection of the fetus with the participation of relevant medical and health care institutions;
  • effective implementation of modern medical technologies;
  • рrevention of infectious diseases, the full implementation of immunization;
  • forming a healthy lifestyle.

Only effective social policy can ensure their implementation by intense activity structures involved in the protection of motherhood and childhood.

Making numerous state, public, medical and social measures should be based on the principles stipulated by legislation.

The legislative framework Health of Women and Children in Ukraine includes most internationally recognized human rights, including measures to encourage maternity, guarantees the protection of mother and child health – namely women’s networking, medical and other genetic consultations, maternity hospitals, sanatoriums and rest homes for pregnant women and mothers with children, nurseries, kindergartens and other children’s institutions

-­‐ prohibition of employment of women in heavy and unhealthy occupations; -­‐ improvement and rehabilitation of working and living conditions;

-­‐   elimination of negative economic factors;

-­‐ for leave due to pregnancy and childbirth with payment of social security; -­‐ cash assistance at birth and at the time care for her during his illness;

-­‐   State and public assistance to children.

The national program which aims to support young families in Ukraine was approved back in 1995, which involves the formation of a network of relevant institutions of family planning, the operation of regional and inter-regional centers and offices “Marriage and Family” in hospitals and as part of outpatient clinics, which provided advice on family planning.

Social protection of women and children are also involved in NGOs. In the state operate and collaborate over 20 national women’s organizations (Women’s Union of Ukraine, the Union of Ukrainian Women, Women’s Community etc.), About 400 non-governmental organizations declare work with children as its statutory activities (Children’s Fund of Ukraine, the Ukrainian youth Chernobyl Fund Association disabled children, etc.), some 80 organizations and associations at the regional level.

These centers are designed for temporary stay in it for pregnant women 7-9 months pregnant and mothers with children aged from birth to 18 months in difficult circumstances, and therefore there is a high risk of separation of mother and child, and threat to life health of the mother or child .

During accommodation centers for young mothers provided free room and board, they teach child care. Mother and children through charities receive humanitarian aid in the form of child care items, hygiene products, toys, clothing, medicines and baby food. Young mothers have the opportunity to continue their studies, begin to receive education, attend professional courses and at the same time take care and educate their child.

The Centre’s staff (psychologist, social educator, medical sister, another administrator and others. Workers) have qualified first aid.

For the purpose of social support for single parents (women, children, youth, families) work services and centers that provide social services, psychological, legal, social, medical, information and other advice at no cost exercise programs for different categories of families, children, women, namely:

-­‐   family centers “Family House” (implementation of programs for families, consulting psychologist, lawyer);

-­‐   urban centers of social services for families, children and youth (of social support to families who find themselves in difficult circumstances, counseling, social support of families);

The international organization “Right to health» helps women in crisis learn to treat and monitor the health of infants. The organization “Right to Health” founded in 1990 by a group of medical volunteers working in the field of public health and human rights, where there is a threat to human health as a result of the violation of its rights and civil liberties. His first project in Ukraine organization introduced in July 2005. Today Representation “Right to health” in Ukraine implements programs focused on HIV-positive,drug addicted women and their children, street children and street youth in close cooperation with local partners, including the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV / AIDS , the Ministry of Ukraine for family, youth and Sport, State social service for family, children and youth, Ministry of health of Ukraine, Ukrainian and other international nongovernmental organizations.

One of the projects of the organization – “Social apartment for pregnant women and mothers with young children in difficult circumstances (mini-center Mother and Child)

.Target group – pregnant girls and young mothers who are in difficult circumstances, creating a real risk of failure of a newborn child or termination of parental rights.

So we can see it took a lot of effort and time to in modern society established the term “young family” which is a special, fundamental group of society and simultaneously acts as a social group and public institutions. Specificity young family determined that it is in the process of its development in which a number of problems, but in spite of this state family policy developed a number of tasks to help young families cope with difficult circumstances.

We appeal to young, single, pregnant women, mothers with newborn children:

  • Do Not give up on your children!
  • Do Not stay on them in the hospitals!

Come for advice and help in social services that operate in each city