The first time in the history of the Church that a massive exhibition on Medical missions and Catholic healthcare services was during the FIAMC Congress in Barcelona (May, 2006). Here you have some pictures and informations. Many doctors and associations contacted for the first time and began important collaboration projects. The members of the Federation and the ecclesiastical authorities where astonished at that time. Dozens of volonteers helped in organizing the event “ad maiorem Dei gloriam”. Catholic Doctors. Globalization and poverty.

1.- Dr.Tarrés. Beyond the doctor (Medical Association of Barcelona).


2. -The Holy Sheet of Turin, medical issues of the passion of christ (Spanish Center of Sindonolgy).

3.- Mined lives. The children of the anti person mines (La Caixa)

4.- Christian doctors of Catalonia (Metges Cristians de Catalunya)

5.- The little story of holy doctors ( Dr. J.Mª. Vilarrasa).

6.- Tsunami Relief in Asia (Asian Federation of the Catholic Medical Associations).

7.- Abortion Victims Association.

8.- Pro-life Exhibition Barcelona, Spain.

9.- Exhibition on telemedicine. Spanish Armed Forces.

10.- Dr. Marià Mullerat.

11.- The objectives of the millennium (Cáritas Internacionalis).

12.- The rubbish dumps in Argentina (Caracas).

13.- A project in Guatemala (Caritas).

14.- Médicus Mundi (Camerun).

15.- Domund.

16.- Combonian Missionaries: “Africa opens its doors to us”.

17.- The human face of the Catholic Argentinian University.

18.- Holy Week of Tarragona.

19.- Franciscan missionaries of Sagrado Corazón.

20.- Freetown Diocese, Sierra Leona.

21.- Ramón Cuello: sculptor of Dr. Tarrés.

22.- Metges Cristians de Catalunya, some work abroad.

23. Catalunya and Montserrat.

24.- Hospital in Bethlehem. Santo Sepulcro order of Jerusalem.

25.- Dr. Ernesto Cofiño.

26.- Dr. Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri.

27.- Dr. Pedro Herrero.

28.- Proyecto Hombre (Life project).

29.- The hospitality of Lourdes.

30.- The doctor patient (Medical Association of Barcelona).

31.- Intervida.

32.- Epiphany Medical Missions.

33.- Polish pro-Life Exhibition.

34.- Expo pro-Life Peru.

35.- Bradopta – Brasil.

36.- Lumen Dei Medical Missions.

37.- Aid to the needed church.

38.- Anna Gasol. Oriental icons to serve the poor.

39.- Oscar Sanchís. Religious painting.

40.- Our little brothers.

41.- Mother Rafols. Life and work in healthcare.

42. -The Camilo Fathers.

43.- San Juan de Dios.

44.- Caritas Cambodia.

45.- FIAMC in India.

46.- Healing the consequences of abortion. Emilia Ros and others.

47.- Harambee.

48.- Independent anti-AIDS committees.

49.- European Pro Life Doctors.

50.- San Egidio and AIDS.

51.- Pontifical Council for the Pastoral
Assistance to Health Care Workers.


Confirmed Exhibitions on 5/5/2006