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An Evaluation of Controversial Statements in Etica Teologica Della Vita

The teachings of the Catholic Church on human sexuality, contraception and the treatment of infertility are well established and clearly explained in many Church documents, including Humanae vitae and Familiaris consortio. In 2022, a book was published in Italian which reported on a seminar organised

International congress “Humanae Vitae: the audacity of an encyclical on sexuality and procreation”

The Jerome Lejeune International Chair in Bioethics is pleased to invite you to participate in the great international congress "Humanae Vitae: the audacity of an encyclical on sexuality and procreation", on May 19 and 20, 2023 in Rome. Organized in partnership with the FIAMC and

Resistenza all’Humanae vitae

Resistenza all'Humanae vitae Dott. José María Simón Castellví Presidente emerito della Federazione Internazionale delle Associazioni Mediche Cattoliche (FIAMC) Da qualche anno, quando si avvicina l'anniversario della famosa lettera enciclica di Paolo VI, scrivo qualche riga a suo sostegno. Questo a volte ha provocato molto scalpore,

Resistance to Humanae Vitae

Resistance to Humanae Vitae Dr José María Simón Castellví President Emeritus of the World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC) Some years ago, on the anniversary of Paul VI’s famous encyclical, I wrote a few lines to support it. Occasionally quite a stir has arisen,

Humanae vitae: always a Prophetic Document

By Anne Lastman--- Clearly, the most controversial encyclical of the 20th century was the 1968 document Humanae vitae (On the Regulation of Birth), in which Pope Paul VI restated the Church’s teaching that the use of contraception to frustrate conception is gravely immoral. With so

Promemoria: Attualità dell´enciclica Humanae vitae alla luce della Laudato sì

Attualità dell’enciclica Humanae vitae alla luce della Laudato sì Il titolo del congresso mondiale della Federazione Internazionale delle Associazioni dei Medici Cattolici, FIAMC, svolto in Croazia a Zagabria dal 30 maggio al 2 giugno di quest’anno 2018, Santità della vita e professione medica, dall’Humanae vitae

Evangelium vitae (25 years)

Photo FIAMC: Beatification of Pope John Paul II 25 March 1995 To the Bishops, Priests and Deacons, Men and Women religious, lay Faithful and all People of Good Will on the Value and Inviolability of Human Life Introduction 1. The Gospel of life is at

Faithful to God´s Design

Humanae Vitae Conference Date: Saturday November 10, 2018 Please consider attending this event. It features 4 amazing speakers who are extremely well regarded, as well as Mass celebrated by our Archbishop. WHAT: “Faithful to God’s Design: Humanae Vitae at 50” WHERE: Mass at St Basil’s

Conference ‘Advancing Humanae vitae’ 2018

What --- A national conference sponsored by major Catholic health care and educational institutions, including The National Catholic Bioethics Center, the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Ascension, Catholic Health Services of Long Island, Franciscan Alliance, Geisinger Holy Spirit, Mercy, OSF HealthCare, Saint Louis University, and the

Humanae vitae, 50 Jahre danach

Humanae Vitae, 50 Jahre danach Vor 50 Jahren, am 25. Juli 1968, hat Papst Paul VI. die prophetische Enzyklika « Humanae Vitae » veröffentlicht. Wider alles Erwarten erlaubte er darin nicht die hormonelle Kontrazeption, sondern bekräftigte die immerwährende Lehre der Kirche über das menschliche Leben,

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