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La suerte de los difuntos. El caso del Purgatorio

¿ES COMPATIBLE UN GRAN SUFRIMIENTO CON UNA GRAN FELICIDAD? La suerte de los difuntos. El caso del Purgatorio Con alegría y esperanza debemos considerar la suerte de nuestros familiares y amigos difuntos que se hallan en el estado de Purgatorio, pues ya se encuentran entre

Le corps dans la Bible

LE CORPS DANS LA BIBLE : UNE PROMESSE L'heure du soir des Bernardins avec P. Laurent Stalla-Bourdillon ‍Le corps et son mystère – Une anthropologie spirituelle Découvrir notre nature humaine et comprendre notre corps sexué Notre époque est habitée par de nombreuses questions sur le

One more White Mass

White Mass brings together Catholic medical professionals BY HANNAH HEIL OCT 30, 2023 LOCAL The annual White Mass sponsored by the Catholic Medical Association of Central Ohio brings together students and professionals in health care fields. This year’s White Mass on Wednesday, Oct. 18, the feast

Rastelli: the great heart of doctor Gian

His surgical procedure has saved many worldwide, but the young doctor wasn't just known for his contributions to the medical world. Here's how the Rastelli exhibit at the 2018 Rimini Meeting came about.Anna Leonardi9.27.2018“Roll up your sleeves and come, boy. There is bread and glory for all.”

El doctor José Gálvez

En 1893, a los 27 años, ingresó en el Hospital Civil Provincial de Málaga como Médico de Obstetricia, donde llegaría a ejercer durante cincuenta y ocho años. Allí, escribiendo de su propia mano las historias clínicas y atendiendo, además de las operaciones, las más sencillas

Barcelona: misa en honor del beato Dr. José Gregorio

Denver: Catholics in Medicine, praised

At Denver’s White Mass, Archbishop Aquila praises faithful Catholics in medicine ByKevin J. JonesOctober 18, 2023  Catholic medical professionals attend the White Mass, honoring their profession. The Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Aquila, center, on Friday, Oct. 13 at Sacred Heart parish in Denver. Credit:

Saint John Paul II – October 22

Photos: FIAMC Press Services O Saint John Paul, grant us your blessing from Heaven’s window! Bless the Church which you have loved, served and guided, encouraging her to walk the roads of the world, so to carry Jesus to everyone, and everyone to Jesus. Bless

A Moment of Grace

Anne Lastman In moments of quiet reverie, the most amazingly deep understands surface.  With intrusive thoughts put aside the self is able to muse and think about greater things.  The questions about life. Thinking about the very nasty words spoken by a woman in my

What is true freedom in Christ ?

“ For freedom Christ has set us free . Stand firm, therefore and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians . 5:1) Our Lord Jesus Christ through his suffering, death and resurrection has obtained salvation and freedom for humanity from the bondages

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