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The Pulse: Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Physicians, Heal Thyself BY CYNTHIA HUNT, M.D. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased stress tremendously for many physicians and health care providers in multiple ways that are unprecedented in volume and intensity. Considering 50% of physicians reported burnout prior to the pandemic, it is now

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Catholic Nurse Leans on God for Support While Treating COVID Patients

Colleen Donovan has been working in the COVID-19 unit at NYU Winthrop Hospital in Long Island. The life-long Catholic has been leaning on God as a source of strength during this difficult time. This is happening all over the country, and polls from both Pew

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El personal de salud necesita los sacramentos, afirma médico católico

El responsable para el mundo de habla hispana de la Asociación Médica Católica (CMA) de los Estados Unidos, Félix Ángel Rodríguez, señaló que el personal de salud necesita permanecer cerca de los sacramentos para poder tratar a los enfermos y a sus familiares con misericordia,

Reabre el Dispensario Pediátrico de Santa Marta

Después de más de dos meses y medio de cierre debido a la emergencia sanitaria, se reanuda en el corazón del Vaticano la atención médica en apoyo de las familias necesitadas. Observando todas las precauciones necesarias desde el 3 de junio, vuelven a ofrecerse los

Omaggio a medici, infermieri e operatori sanitari

Suor Alessandra Smerilli introduce il concerto per la festa del 2 giugno all' Istituto Spallanzani di Roma Con il Presidente della Repubblica Italiana Sergio Mattarella un omaggio a medici, infermieri e operatori sanitari impegnati nella lotta al COVID-19 "Oggi, nel giorno in cui si fa

Faith and hope help Catholic doctor beat Covid-19

Bangladeshi physician wins his personal battle as he encourages others to defeat the deadly disease Rock Ronald Rozario, Dhaka Updated: June 03, 2020 10:44 AM GMT A Catholic doctor in Bangladesh who battled successfully against deadly Covid-19 has credited his strong faith in God and

Which COVID-19 Vaccines Are Being Developed with Fetal Cell Lines Derived from Aborted Babies?

The race is on to find a vaccine for COVID-19. The good news is that many of the world’s largest vaccine companies are developing promising vaccine candidates using ethically-derived cells. The bad news is that many of the leading vaccine candidates for the 2019 novel coronavirus

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CICIAMS: An experience with COVID

My Experience with Covid-19 My dear brothers and sisters, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. My name is Janet Muchengwa originally from Zambia and now settled in the United Kingdom. I am a professional nurse working as a Unit Matron

The Catholic Church founded the world’s oldest hospitals

How the Catholic Church founded the world’s oldest hospitals, a tradition that continues today Wellcome Collection | CC BY 4.0Share 56Lucien de Guise | May 29, 2020 St. Fabiola was responsible for establishing the first hospital in the Western Roman Empire, built in Rome around 400. Click

Health professionals united in support of a pragmatic, science-based approach to managing the COVID

On May 26, 2020, over 350 organisations representing over 40 million health professionals and over 4,500 individual health professionals from 90 different countries*, wrote to the G20 leaders calling for a #HealthyRecovery *see the full list of signatories here. May 26, 2020 In support of a #HealthyRecovery

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