Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Caring for the sick in a pandemic: Two Catholic doctors’ perspectives

 Published: 20 May 2020 CHARLOTTE — Now more than ever, Catholic medical professionals have been relying on their faith as they respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Catholic News Herald reached out to two Charlotte-area doctors to see how they are approaching their work and

Un service public blessé

Nous imaginions que nos villes reprendraient au moins un semblant de vie à compter du 11 mai, jour de déconfinement si attendu… Il n’en est rien, ou si peu. Certes le pâtissier essaie de se refaire le beurre qu’il a vu fondre pendant ces deux

Rural physician takes a measure of himself in the shoals of the pandemic

Doctors and nurses begin their health care careers knowing that at times the work will be physically and mentally grueling. But few U.S. clinicians would have expected to have to put their lives on the line to care for others. The risks of contracting COVID-19

Pandemic: Catholic doctor chooses to live with homeless

Catholic doctor chooses to live with homeless people to protect them from coronavirus Photo courtesy of Dr. Thomas HuggettShare 2k Theresa Civantos Barber | May 21, 2020 Inspired by Mother Teresa, Dr. Thomas Huggett and his team care for at-risk populations, and the pandemic has increased their

On Communion on the Tongue

President of the Catholic Medical Association (Italy) Says Hand Communion is More Infectious Than Communion on the Tongue (Rome) Numerous Episcopal Conferences around the world, including those of the German-speaking area, have forcibly introduced [sacrilegious] hand Communion in Novus Ordo. They justify this with protective measures against

Medici Cattolici: ministri di speranza

Medici Cattolici: ministri di speranza Scegliere di rinnovarsi: un’etica oltre la crisi Cari amici, in questo periodo di forzata quarantena, distanziamento e domiciliazione delle nostre attività, ho avuto la possibilità di attivare proficua collaborazione con il nostro Assistente Ecclesiastico Nazionale, Card. Menichelli. Abbiamo riflettuto insieme

Embracing the Gift of Christian Spirituality in Nursing

NCBC Resources for COVID-19 RSS While working night shift and completing rounds as a Catholic nurse, I am frequently overcome by faith in the silent shadows. Nighttime nursing offers a special time for quiet realization of the value, dignity, and gift of each and every

« JP », un symbole

Publié le 12 mai 2020 Aux urgences de Lariboisière, nous connaissons « JP » depuis des années. Après plusieurs fractures dans sa vie, il a quitté ses terres natales du Nord pour s’arrêter dans une gare comme beaucoup de ses compagnons d’infortune à travers le monde. La gare

Enfermeras santas, desde la Edad Media a nuestros días

Desde santa Isabel de Hungría a las enfermeras mártires del cruel siglo XX: coraje y ternura, unidos Día Mundial de la Enfermera: una lista de enfermeras santas, desde la Edad Media a nuestros días Una enfermera en oración... desde su origen, la fe, la ciencia

Nursing, Ministry & Catholic Mission

Mission:The National Association of Catholic Nurses, U.S.A gives nurses of different backgrounds, but with the same Roman Catholic values, the opportunity to promote moral principles within the Catholic context in nursing and stimulate desire for professional development. This approach to Roman Catholic doctrine focuses on:

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