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Doctors & Priests on COVID THE GOOD FIGHT - 04/04/2020 - DOCTORS & PRIESTS ON COVID-19Epidemiologists Dr. Paul Carson and Dr. Paul Cieslak of the Catholic Medical Association (USA) discuss the impact of the Coronavirus on our nation. In the second hour, Dr. Tom McGovern of CMA discusses COVID-19

Doctor, Doctor

Official radio show of the Catholic Medical Association (USA.. New episodes available multiple times per week. Coronavirus Update 5/6 with Epidemiologist Mark Strand, PhDHow the Coronavirus Pandemic is Affecting Cancer TreatmentCoronavirus Roundtable Discussion

Edward Jenner, padre de las vacunas

Edward Jenner, padre de las vacunas, el científico que amaba a Dios que ha salvado millones de vidas Jenner vacunando a James Phipps. Óleo pintado por Earnest Board (1920)F Alfonso V. Carrascosa / ReL 06 mayo 2020TAGS: Ciencia y feCoronavirus El mundo espera la vacuna

Dr. Wes Ely discusses COVID19 related “delirium” and other symptoms

Her father´s delirium was a first sign of coronavirus. Catholic Medical Association (USA)'s Dr. Wes Ely discusses #COVID19 related "delirium" and other symptoms:

Is COVID-19 causing strokes in younger adults?

Is Coronavirus causing strokes in younger adults? Catholic Medical Association (USA)'s Dr. Robert Tiballi explains on Currents News

How We Can Turn to God in Times of Need ----Official Radio Show of the Catholic Medical Association USA)----- Harvard psychiatrist Dr. Kevin Majeres Dr. Kevin Majeres shares practical ways of successfully living with anxiety, especially how we can use moments of stress and anxiety to grow in faith and unite ourselves to God

COVID-19: Unintended Mental Health Consequences Dr. Francie Broghammer, Psychiatry resident at the UC-Irvine School of Medicine, talks about the mental health consequences of the coronavirus pandemic and the overlooked consequences of the crisis including increased anxiety, loneliness, unemployment, and other increased stressors.

La resilienza: un approccio personalistico

Dott. Ermanno Pavesi Da alcuni anni, anche in pubblicazioni divulgative il concetto di resilienza è utilizzato per definire e spiegare le capacità di una persona di affrontare positivamente situazioni di crisi. Il vocabolario on line della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani spiega che resilienza significa: «1. Nella

Croatian Catholic Medical Society on COVID-19

Statement by the President of the Croatian Catholic Medical Society on the Threat Posed by the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Pandemic Dear Members of the Croatian Catholic Medical Society, At the end of 2019, an epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) broke out in China and

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Crescendo and FIAMC

Origine L’Association « Réseau Mondial Crescendo »  s’inspire de l’Evangile et de l’Enseignement de l’Eglise, en particulier du document du Conseil Pontifical pour les Laïcs: « Dignité et mission des personnes âgées dans l’Eglise et dans le monde » (octobre 1998), ainsi que des « Principes des Nations Unies pour

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