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La visita médica al adolescente

ABORDAJE  BIOPSICOSOCIAL--- ABSTRACT--- El autor aborda el tema de la asistencia sanitaria al adolescente y considera básico conocer las distintas fases de la adolescencia (inicial, media y superior) proponiendo un abordaje sanitario biopsicosocial y pluridisciplinario . Aporta un cuestionario específico para la visita adolescentes así

Verdad y salud psicológica

Hay verdades que impulsan a un equilibrio psíquico. Y verdades, o falsedades, que son incompatibles con tal salud de ánimo. Si algo es incompatible con la salud interior, podemos inclinarnos a pensar que es falso. Ya que de lo contrario sería verdad lo que nos

PETITION: Abortion reversal – allow women real choice!

Sign the petition now! A Catholic doctor, cardiologist Dermot Kearney, is currently under investigation by the General Medical Council for administering treatment to desperate pregnant women who changed their minds after taking a pill to abort their unborn babies. Scores of women in the UK have

An extraordinary funeral

An unusual ceremony in Poland Respect for human life is also expressed by respect for the human body after death. For some time now, a trend is observed in some Western countries of decreasing respect for human life from conception and, at the same time,

COVID y resiliencia: un enfoque personal

Resiliencia: un enfoque personal   Por el Dr. Ermanno Pavesi Miembro del Comité de Presidencia de la FIAMC Publicado en: Desde hace algunos años, incluso en publicaciones populares, el concepto de resiliencia se utiliza para definir y explicar la capacidad de una persona para lidiar

Addiction Group

Addiction Group is an informational web guide that was founded in 2019. Our website was created to help those struggling with alcohol use disorders (AUD), substance use disorders (SUD), and/or co-occurring mental health disorders find treatment for their addiction. Addiction Group is owned and funded

Webinar: sessualità e fertilità in oncologia (21 nov 2020)

 SESSUALITA' E FERTILITA' IN ONCOLOGIA - 21 novembre 2020 in videoconferenza webinar Cari amici, vi invio il programma del Convegno di Marzo rimandato causa  COVID al 21 Novembre, al quale potrete accedere tramite  piattaforma perchè sarà in modalità webinar ( con crediti ECM). Vi mando anche

American Journal of Psychiatry retracts it’s conclusions on mental health of transgenders: “Transitioning” Procedures Don’t Help.

‘The world’s largest dataset on patients who have undergone sex-reassignment procedures reveals that these procedures do not bring mental health benefits’. That is what Dr. Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, reports on the Foundations website.  In October 2019, the

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Doctor, Doctor: What it’s like to practice psychiatry Sigue a Doctor, Doctor  Feature Interview (11:21) – Our specialty focus series continues with Harvard Psychiatrist Dr. Kevin Majeres who gives an inside look at what it’s like to practice psychiatry including why he chose his specialty, what his typical day is like, some of

“Charting My Cycles with Fertility Awareness Saved My Life” (Video)

Newlywed Nia wasn't experiencing any unusual symptoms, but with the help of her fertility awareness charts, she noticed that something was abnormal with her menstrual cycles. The information from her charts gave Nia and her doctor the information they needed to save her health--and her

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