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Dr. Jacek Kozakiewicz passed away

Source of text and photo: Silesian Medical Chamber; We regret to inform you of the death of the late Jacek Kozakiewicz, MD, PhD A graduate of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, born in 1975, otolaryngology specialist. Since 1989, Jacek Kozakiewicz has been

NY: Neonatal Comfort Care Program

Find an ob-gyn ON THIS PAGE Our Approach to CareOur TeamComprehensive Neonatal ServicesWhy Choose UsGet Care The NewYork-Presbyterian Neonatal Comfort Care Program is a neonatal palliative care service designed to make babies with life-limiting conditions or terminal illnesses as comfortable as possible. Our compassionate, multidisciplinary

Catholic Neonatologist Wins Important Award

Catholic Neonatologist Wins Award for Exemplary Medical Care of Most Fragile, Vulnerable Babies Notre Dame’s de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture honors Dr. Elvira Parravicini, who tells moms and dads, ‘My mission is to save your baby’s life. But no matter what, I am

Comment on vasectomy

Watson RA: Urol Pract. 2024 Apr 4:101097UPJ0000000000000525. doi: 10.1097/UPJ.0000000000000525. PMID: 38579160  Comment on Short-Term Changes in Vasectomy Consults and Procedures Following Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health Organization. Zhu A, Nam CS, Gingrich D, Patel N, Black K, Andino JJ, Daignault-Newton S, Telang J, Dupree JM,

Las lesiones traumato-ortopédicas de Jesucristo, según el Sudario de Turín

Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatología versión impresa ISSN 0864-215Xversión On-line ISSN 1561-3100 Rev Cubana Ortop Traumatol vol.32 no.2 Ciudad de la Habana jul.-dic. 2018 Revisión bibliográfica Las lesiones traumato-ortopédicas de Jesucristo, según el Sudario de Turín Traumato-orthopedic injuries of Jesus Christ according to the Shroud of Turin Les lésions traumato-orthopédiques de Jésus-Christ, d'après le Suaire

Carl Gustav Jung y el ocultismo

Dr. Ermanno Pavesi 1. Primeras experiencias espirituales Carl Gustav Jung nació en 1875 a Kesswil, un pequeño pueblo de la Suiza alemana. Su padre era un pastor protestante y en su familia dos hermanos del padre y seis parientes de la madre eran pastores (1). 

Papa Francesco: Udienza ORL e Pediatrici

18.11.2023 Questa mattina, il Santo Padre Franceso ha ricevuto in Udienza i membri dell’Associazione Otorinolaringologi Ospedalieri Italiani (AOOI) e della Federazione Italiana Medici Pediatrici (FIMP) e ha rivolto loro il discorso che pubblichiamo di seguito: Discorso del Santo Padre Cari fratelli e sorelle, benvenuti! Sono

Top students to serve as doctors

After being leaders at St. John’s, top two students of class of 2023 hope to serve others as doctors LOCAL BY MARK ZIMMERMANN Connor Shannon at left is the valedictorian for the class of 2023 at St. John’s College High School in Washington, and Mari “Breana” Alcantara

Catholic Doctors and Biological Integrity

American College of Pediatricians Launches New Resource Website October 3, 2023 By Dr. Tim Millea As we all know, controversies regarding so-called “gender care” continue to take center stage in both cultural and medical arenas.  The most effective means of resolving these debates and restoring

Sexual Abuse article 

Anne Lastman Recently I read Cardinal O’Malley give a progress report on the work done by the Commission for the Protection of Minors and the difficulties and successes of this commission.  The appointments, the budgets, the offices etc and this took my interest.  Having followed

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