American College of Pediatricians Launches New Resource Website
October 3, 2023
By Dr. Tim Millea

As we all know, controversies regarding so-called “gender care” continue to take center stage in both cultural and medical arenas. The most effective means of resolving these debates and restoring dignity in the care of these individuals is a thorough understanding of the truth. A clear and accessible resource that is available to all involved – patients, families, and clinicians – would be a leap forward in correcting current errors in this clinical realm. I am excited to inform you that such a resource is now available.
One of CMA’s closest collegial relationships is with the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds). Recently, ACPeds launched a new website,, that accurately presents information on gender dysphoria for everyone involved. Resources are specifically categorized to address questions from all levels of engagement: children and teens, parents, clinicians, schools, and policymakers.
The website is easily navigable, with thorough FAQ pages, research data and references, videos, legislative maps, and help with finding physicians and therapists. As stated in their own announcement, ACPeds is truly “a beacon of trusted medical voices on gender dysphoria.” CMA commends ACPeds for this important and effective project, and is very grateful for their courage and commitment.
Please familiarize yourself with this website, and encourage your colleagues, patients, and many others to learn from this valuable resource. This debate will only be resolved when people fully understand the damage done with these extremely harmful and misguided interventions, and demand a return to standards of care that reflect the love, compassion, and respect that only Christ-centered medicine can provide.
Board Member Dr. Tim Millea is Chair of the Health Care Policy Committee.FacebookTwitterCompartir