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Papal message for XXX World Day of the Sick

“Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful” (Lk 6:36). Standing beside those who suffer on a path of charity Dear brothers and sisters, Thirty years ago, Saint John Paul II instituted the World Day of the Sick to encourage the people of God, Catholic health

From the Integral Dicastery

Communiqué from the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development Responses of Card. M. Czerny S.J. and Sr. Alessandra Smerilli F.M.Afollowing the appointments made by the Holy Father on 23 December 2021 In a communiqué published in the Official Bulletin, the Holy See Press Office announced today that

Vatican urges support for family-based care for children amid pandemic

The COVID-19 Vatican Commission releases a document urging national governments and Church-run institutions to promote children’s rights and family-based care amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. By Devin Watkins (Vaticannews) Severe poverty, orphaned children, increased exploitation and violence, and impeded education are just a few of the

Promemoria: Don Aldo Giordano

Le 2 décember 2021, Mgr Aldo Giordano, ancien nonce apostolique auprès de l'Union européenne et ami des Fédérations Européenne (FEAMC) et Internationale (FIAMC) des Associations Médicales Catholiques, est décédé. Ce texte a été publié lors de son homélie à la réunion du Bureau de la

Congress: “Moral Distress in Healthcare Professions: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives”

Doctoral School in Clinical and Experimental Medicine and Medical Humanities University of Insubria2 December 2021Room 5 MGTVia Monte Generoso n.71 - Varese Scientific coordinators: Prof. Mario Picozzi, MD, PhD::; Dr. Alessandra A. Grossi, MSc, MAS,; Dr. Silvia Ceruti: Center for Clinical Ethics Dept. of

Pope Francis to persons with disabilities

Pope to persons with disabilities: “The Church is truly your home" The Vatican on Thursday released the message of Pope Francis for the UN's International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 3 December. By Robin Gomes (Vaticannews) Pope Francis assures people with disabilities that the Church is

Pope: A smile can give meaning to a sick person’s day

Pope Francis celebrates Holy Mass at Rome’s Gemelli University Hospital, thanking the staff for the care he himself has received there, and reflecting on how devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus can help care workers be guided in their mission to heal and comfort

Papa Francesco al Policlinico Gemelli

60° ANNIVERSARIO DI INAUGURAZIONE DELLA FACOLTÀ DI MEDICINA E CHIRURGIADELL’UNIVERSITÀ CATTOLICA DEL SACRO CUORE OMELIA DEL SANTO PADRE FRANCESCO Policlinico "Agostino Gemelli"Venerdì, 5 novembre 2021 [Multimedia] ____________________________________ Mentre commemoriamo con gratitudine il dono di questa sede dell’Università Cattolica, vorrei condividere qualche pensiero a proposito del

For all those suffering from anxiety and depression

The Pope's intention this november is for all those suffering from anxiety and depression, and for those who can help. In the new Pope Video illustrating the Pope’s prayer intention for November, the Holy Father calls our attention to the anxiety and depression affecting many people. Aware that

Pope Francis on the Dignity of the Sick

Pope: The dignity of the sick comes before sickness and profit Pope Francis on October 18 received in audience a delegation of Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital of Rome and commended its work and Christian approach to healthcare. By Robin Gomes (Vaticannews) Pope Francis urges Catholic healthcare

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