At the end of 34 years in the executive committee of the European Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FEAMC)

At the end of my last term as secretary general of  the FEAMC I finished my function in the executive committee of FEAMC (20 years as secretary).

I started in Rome as the delegate of the Dutch Catholic Medical Association in 1982. Fourteen years later, in Prague, 1996, I became secretary general of the FEAMC for the first time under president Paul Deschepper. Four years later in Rome, 2000, I became first vice-president under president Jozef Marek, a really executive job. In Bratislava, 2004, I was re-elected vice president.   In Gdansk, 2008 I was elected secretary general again, under president Francois Blin and re-elected in Rome, 2012. Now, after two terms general secretary I finished years behind the table.

I have enjoyed my work in FEAMC, I learnt very much and I have been very happy with your support, your co-operation and your friendship. Together with the president I prepared forty FEAMC board meetings.  I gave many lectures about different medical, ethical, social  and religious subjects: medicine and heredity, problems about abortion, the right allocation of the scares resources, on refugees and migrants, on palliative care and euthanasia, on the loss of the spiritual dimension, on new evangelisation, on Islam, on challenges for FEAMC.  I read my lectures during nearly all congresses of FIAMC and FEAMC since 1984 and often during board meetings and other conferences in many of your countries. Sometimes I touched tricky problems and disputable standpoints but I was always concerned about the course of affaires and needs of the Catholic Church, and of FIAMC and FEAMC, as I told among others in my lecture:  “My heart is filled with tears and sorrow”.

In the year 2004, I ended my function as president of the Dutch Catholic doctors. My successors in the Netherlands did not continue the relation with FEAMC. I did not represent any longer the association in my country and told this in FEAMC but I was asked in Bratislava to continue my vice-presidency and later I was elected and re-elected secretary general. Now this has come to an end and I will be a private citizen, representing only my friend and substitute Dick Pranger and myself. In the mean time I became thirty four years older and so did my wife. Domestic circumstances will ask for more attention. Dick Pranger has come to the same circumstances.

I enjoyed a  good time in FEAMC and FIAMC, more than seventy meetings in thirty countries, many hearty friends, many perfect organised congresses,  board meetings and receptions. Now for Dick and me it is time to go. You appointed me honorary member of FEAMC, I will not forget you, I will try to meet again all of you, maybe in Rome. I wish you all the best, God bless you.

The Norwegian composer Edward Grieg wrote a famous song translated:

“God bless you, as long as you will see the sun,

“God bless you, as long as you will kneel for Him.”

Thank you, thank you very much.

Porto, September 30th 2016

Hans Stevens.