Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Robotics, AI, and Humanity: Science, Ethics, and Policy

Conference 16-17 May | Recent advances in machine learning (commonly referred to as artificial intelligence – AI), and robotics have elicited widespread debate over their benefits and drawbacks for humanity. The emergent technologies have for instance implications within medicine and health care, employment, transport, manufacturing,

Tocco umano e uso delle tecnologie

Convegno Nazionale CEI, Caserta 13 maggio 2019 : High tech, I touch: tocco umano e uso delle tecnologie - Carissimi, L'AMCI a nome del Presidente Nazionale Filippo  Boscia, dell'Assistente Nazionale Card. Edoardo Menichelli e di tutto il consiglio di Presidenza  Nazionale è lieta di invitare

Seguido por una multitud que ha visto los signos que hacía con los enfermos…

EL GRAN MILAGRO NO ES MULTIPLICAR SINO REPARTIR Llamamos milagro a aquello que pareciendo imposible se consigue. Hacer lo posible es cuestión de voluntad; conseguir lo imposible reclama una ayuda especial de Dios a la voluntad del hombre. El Evangelio de Juan nos narra un

Pope Francis on artificial intelligence

Pope on artificial intelligence: Technology is a human characteristic Pope Francis addresses the Pontifical Academy for Life in a Plenary Assembly marking 25 years of activity, on the theme “Roboethics. People, machines and health”. By Francesca Merlo Despite all of the potential that science has,

Papa all´Assemblea della Accademia per la Vita

Udienza ai partecipanti all’Assemblea Plenaria della Pontificia Accademia per la Vita, 25.02.2019[B0161] Alle ore 11.20 di questa mattina, nella Sala Clementina del Palazzo Apostolico Vaticano, il Santo Padre Francesco ha ricevuto in Udienza i partecipanti all’Assemblea Plenaria della Pontificia Accademia per la Vita di cui

On Robotization of Life

COMECE publishes reflection on “Robotisation of Life” The quick development of new technologies based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) is leading COMECE to publish the reflection “Robotisation of Life – Ethics in view of new challenges”. The document reaffirms the primacy of the human person and promotes

Pope Francis to Academy for Life

Humana Communitas[The Human Community] The human community is God’s dream even from before the creation of the world (cf. Eph 1:3-14). In it, the eternal Son begotten of God the Father has taken flesh and blood, heart and emotions. Through the mystery of giving life, the great

President Ars gives advice to youth considering the profession

VOICES & VIEWS New president of Catholic doctors’ association gives advice to youth considering the profession Jesús Colina | Dec 01, 2018 Medicine is an art more than a science, says Dr. Bernard Ars. Waiting lists, financial speculation, depression, pressure to promote euthanasia, surrogate motherhood

Antibióticos y responsabilidad

El buen uso de los antimicrobianos, una cuestión de responsabilidad Hace poco tuvo lugar el Día Europeo para el Uso Prudente de los Antibióticos, que se celebra cada año el 18 de noviembre. En esta ocasión, además, se lanzó una campaña de sensibilización en redes

« Nous, médecins, avons toujours l’Espérance à rendre présente »

« Nous, médecins, avons toujours l’Espérance à rendre présente » Listes d’attente, spéculation financière, dépression, pression pour promouvoir l’euthanasie, gestation pour autrui… Les défis que doivent affronter les médecins aujourd’hui sont nombreux et, pour certains, inédits. Rencontre avec le docteur Bernard Ars, nouveau président de

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