Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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We Oppose Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue In Federally Funded Research

Public Comment: NCBC and Catholic Medical Association Oppose Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue In Federally Funded Research Marie T. Hilliard, MS, MA, JCL, PhD, RN, DM Senior Fellow Marie Hilliard holds graduate degrees in maternal–child health nursing, religious studies, canon law, and professional higher

Bishops clarify the Catholic position on vaccination

The Catholic Bishops responsible for Healthcare and Life issues have released a paper providing clarity and assurances on the moral issues surrounding vaccination and to encourage Catholics to commit to protecting the most vulnerable in society. Bishop Paul Mason, Lead Bishop for Healthcare, and Bishop

CMA-USA welcomes protection of Little Sisters of the Poor

Catholic Medical Association Welcomes SCOTUS Protection of The Little Sisters of the Poor Philadelphia, PA- July 10, 2020—After numerous challenges to the rights of conscience of the Little Sisters of the Poor and others, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on July 8, 2020 on the side of

COVID: sobre el uso de ciertas células humanas

Valencia (España), 15 de junio de 2020 Polémica ética suscitada alrededor del uso de células obtenida de abortos humanos provocados para fabricar vacunas contra el COVID-19 El pasado 12 de junio la revista Science público un artículo con el título “Las vacunas que usan células

La cultura de la muerte (II)

Una gerocultora ayuda en el traslado a un residente durante el primer día de visitas en la Residencia Centro Casaverde Navalcarnero/Foto: Marta Fernández Jara /Europa Press Jorge Fernández Diaz El 11 febrero –fecha muy vinculada con la salud del cuerpo y del alma– el Congreso admitía

The Pandemic: Enduring Human Costs of Poverty

FR. GERALD A. ARBUCKLE, SM, PhD Illustration by Kasia Bogdanska Loneliness is the feeling of being disconnected, excluded and disengaged from others, an agonizing feeling of emptiness or desolation, a feeling that no one cares. At the same time there is the yearning to belong,

La delicatissima questione dell´utero in affitto

Dott. FILIPPO MARIA BOSCIA (Presidente Nazionale Associazione Medici Cattolici Italiani) - Ieri mattina, nel mio WhatsApp compare un video, che farebbe intenerire qualsiasi cuore di pietra: Circa 50 culle neonatali con altrettanti bimbi, all’alba della loro vita, sono in attesa del o dei genitori che hanno

Si acabamos con la trata, acabamos con el COVID-19

PDFPublicado abr 23, 2020 Rosi Orozco Resumen El peligro en el que se encuentran miles de mujeres a causa de la explotación sexual se ha incrementado en medio de la pandemia de COVID-19. La mayoría de las víctimas de trata son obligadas a trabajar; los captores

World Down Syndrome Day

Who was Professor Jérôme Lejeune? His life, his commitment A physician by vocation, Jérôme Lejeune was confronted with the distress experienced by intellectually disabled children and their families at a very early age. Because medicine was powerless to help these children, Jérôme Lejeune decided to dedicate his

Tengo una enfermedad respiratoria

Me llamo María Ángeles y padezco una enfermedad neuromuscular con afectación respiratoria grave. Soy usuaria de ventilación mecánica 24/365. Vivo en España. Cómo todos, yo también estoy preocupada por la crisis sanitaria actual ya que soy población de riesgo, aunque a pesar de mi situación

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