Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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A Catholic Response to Gender Identity

February 8: Praying against Human Trafficking

International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking to be Observed with Focus on Human Dignity Each year, on February 8, the Catholic Church around the world marks the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking. WASHINGTON - Each year, on February

Accogliere, Ascoltare, Abbracciare, Assistere: quattro A per prevenire il disumano

FILIPPO MARIA BOSCIA* -  Meravigliosa, completa e globale questa intuizione delle quattro A, scelta dal CIF PROVINCIALE di BARI e dalla sua presidente Cristina Maremonti: Accogliere, Ascoltare, Abbracciare, Assistere.Sono 4 A che aprono una porta di speranza per prevenire il disumano ragionevole. Quel disumano per amore intenso,

A Human Trafficking Survivor and Advocate Warrior

Tanya Gould: BY JENNIFER BRANSON No one ever told Tanya Gould about her own worth. Growing up, she did not feel valuable — a result of the sexual abuse she experienced from a family member from age seven to 14. When a handsome older man

Zan, Mirabelli: ci sono punti critici da riconsiderare

Il costituzionalista commenta la nota verbale con cui la Segreteria di Stato ha chiesto una diversa modulazione del disegno di legge sull’omotransfobia: non si contesta la legittimità di tutelare determinate categorie di persone, ma si segnala il rischio di ferire libertà sancite dal Concordato Giancarlo

Catholic Doctors to Eradicate Human Trafficking

Catholic Medical Association to Join Forces with Global Strategic Operatives to Eradicate Human Trafficking BY NADIA SMITH Deb O’Hara-Rusckowski Healthcare providers in emergency rooms, clinics, and private practice have the rare opportunity to identify and rescue sex trafficked women and children — an opportunity often

February 8: International Day of Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking

WASHINGTON - The International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking will be observed on February 8. Designated by the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development as a time of remembrance for victims and survivors of labor and sex trafficking, the annual observance

CMA Concerned After Biden Administration Rescinds Mexico City Policy

February 4, 2021 Catholic Medical Association Expresses Concerns After Biden Administration Rescinds Mexico City Policy Philadelphia, PA- February 4, 2021- The Catholic Medical Association (USA) expresses grave concern regarding President Joe Biden’s action to rescind Mexico City Policy, allowing foreign governments to use U.S. assistance to


Start Here for Introductory Information on Euthanasia and Assisted SuicideEuthanasia Facts, including graphs of data on people who attempted suicide, facts sheets, FAQs, debate points, books, videos etc.Statements By Medical Profession, including American Medical Association, American Nurses Association, C. Everett Koop, etc.Medical Articles, including charts

Gli anziani non peso ma bene che preserva i giovani

FILIPPO M.BOSCIA* - Non passa giorno che i programmi televisivi ci presentino testimonianze di figli che a causa del coronavirus hanno perso genitori anziani ospitati in case di riposo. Quello che raccontano è quasi una litania, sempre la stessa e sempre uguale. Lamentano che, con la

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