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Obispos de Costa Rica y aborto

© Conferencia Episcopal De Costa Rica Costa Rica: Los obispos rechazan la “Norma técnica” de despenalización del aborto Firmada por el presidente Carlos AlvaradoDICIEMBRE 17, 2019 17:21LARISSA I. LÓPEZCONFERENCIAS EPISCOPALES, FAMILIA Y VIDA (ZENIT – 17 dic. 2019).- Los obispos de la Conferencia Episcopal de Costa

Vatican shines spotlight on palliative care, wellbeing of elderly

Vatican Symposium shines spotlight on palliative care, wellbeing of elderly A Vatican symposium on Religion and Medical Ethics is focusing its attention on spirituality in two key areas: palliative care, and the mental health of the elderly. By Lydia O'Kane ( A two-day symposium looking at

Card. Parolin on Religion and Medical Ethics; Palliative Care and Elderly Mental Health

Sala stampa della Santa Sede Pubblichiamo di seguito il Messaggio che il Segretario di Stato, l’ Card. Pietro Parolin, ha inviato questa mattina, per l’apertura dei lavori, al Presidente della Pontificia Accademia per la Vita, S.E. Mons. Vincenzo Paglia, e ai partecipanti al Simposio Internazionale

The dignity of the disabled

Pope: Make the world more human by guaranteeing the dignity of the disabled On the occasion of the World Day of People with Disabilities, December 3rd, Pope Francis recalls how the promotion of the right to participation plays a central role in combating discrimination and

Statement: The Nairobi Summit on Population

Official Statement: Response to the ICPD25 Summit The Nairobi Summit, ICPD25 (the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo) concluded on November 14th 2019 failing to address the necessary action to reduce maternal deaths. The summit covered five themes, but

Respeto a todas las personas

Comunicado del Obispado de Alcalá de Henares: «Otras noticias falsas» 1.- Un medio de comunicación ha publicado sendas noticias referidas al Obispado de Alcalá de Henares que van desde la absoluta falsedad a la desinformación.2.- El Papa Francisco explica: «Para mí, los pecados de los

Pope: Caring for the ill means caring for the whole person

Pope Francis addresses members of the Italian Association against Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma on the 50th anniversary since their foundation. By Francesca Merlo Pope Francis began his address to the association against Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma by reminding participants that in today’s liturgy, the Church

Declaration of Human Rights 70 years on

Your Excellencies, Distinguished Representatives of the Secretariat of the Council of Europe, Ladies and Gentlemen, At the outset, I would like to thank you all for your presence at this Conference organized by the Permanent Mission of the Holy See to the Council of Europe.

Invisible Holocaust

Invisible Holocaust --- By Anne Lastman 2018 At the dawn of the new millennium, as we face more and more threats both to the human person and to society, we can and must take stock of the situation and the state of the human person

“Medicina y dignidad humana”: V Congreso de FAMCLAM

I CONGRESO PARAGUAYO DE PROFESIONALES DE LA SALUD POR LA VIDA -- V CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE MÉDICOS CATÓLICOS-FAMCLAM “Medicina y Dignidad Humana” Objetivo: Lograr una formación continua acerca de los temas médicos y tecnológicos puestos al servicio de las personas y su dignidad, como seres

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