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“Entrad por la puerta estrecha”

Muchos mortales, que no somos ángeles y que no vivimos siempre de puro amor, decimos “puedo hacer lo que quiera, lo que sea, porque al final todo saldrá bien”. Es el extendido error de que todos se salvan. Algo distinto parece decir el Evangelio, cuando

British Lourdes Medical Association

Hold the date- Annual BLMA Conference 2024. 1st -3rd November 2024. Edinburgh.Read More The British Lourdes Medical Association provides information, advice and fellowship for clinicians who take sick pilgrims to the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, and is a focus for those clinicians who

A month into new year

Analise D Mello MBBS, MS obgyn, DNB A month into new year … I feel more anxious, more stressed and worst aspect I had not made enough effort to sit and pray! Yes I can enumerate a lot of my doubts and issues but I

Preghiere ispirate

Preghiera ispirata dal Messaggio del Santo Padre Francescoper la XXXII Giornata mondiale del Malato dell’11.2.2024, datato 10.1.2024 «Non è bene che l’uomo sia solo».Curare il malato curando le relazioni  O Dio Padre, Figlio, Spirito Santo, che sei Amore, Ti lodiamo per averci creati a Tua

La enfermedad y la bondad de Dios

Hay enfermedades muy duras que ponen a prueba nuestra Fe y nuestra esperanza. Y podemos vernos tentados a poner en duda que Dios sea bueno. Aunque la pura razón puede ser insuficiente para ver serenamente el padecer, esbocemos un argumento racional para concluir que Dios

11 février 2024 : Dimanche de la santé

« De partout on venait à lui » est le thème du dimanche de la santé, le 11 février 2024. Le dimanche de la santé a été instauré vers la fin des années 80 à l’initiative d’un groupe de l’Action Catholique des Milieux Sanitaires et Sociaux (ACMSS)

Grief has As Its Signature…Remembrance

Grief has As Its Signature….Remembrance Anne Lastman There are moments in life which help to change our understanding of how easy it is to dismiss or suppress grief without really understanding the complexities of grief. Example: At the time of the death of my son

Saint Paul

Thursday 25th January 2024 Analise D Mello MBBS, MS obgyn, DNB “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”He said, “Who are you, sir?”The reply came, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. I feel this pain through the new year! While I feel I am

La fiesta del perdón de Dios

Dice el nº 1468 del Catecismo: “En los que reciben el sacramento de la Penitencia con un corazón contrito y con una disposición religiosa, “tiene como resultado la paz y la tranquilidad de la conciencia, a los que acompaña un profundo consuelo espiritual””. “Produce una

If you wish, you can make me clean…

“If you wish, you can make me clean.” I wish this mew year ,we all are made clean! We are happy and safe in our homes and our faith is like that of the leper! This year began with alot of chaos especially at work!

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