Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Spain: ACDP and abortion in Europe

From the Catholic Association of Propagandists we witness with enormous concern and indignation the latest initiative promoted in the European Parliament.   We consider that the concept of the person and his dignity constitute the basis of European culture and coexistence . It is because of this dignity that the

8 de marzo, San Juan de Dios

“BAÑOS JUANDEDIANOS”                                    + José L. Redrado, OH        TRES FORMAS DE VER Y VIVIR A JUAN DE DIOS EN GRANADA Plan turístico: Visita de la Basílica donde está la Urna con los restos del Santo y todo el magnífico entorno de la Basílica. Casa de los

Pope: Humans find meaning in relationships, not technology

llustri Signore e Signori! Saluto S.E. Mons. Paglia, le vostre Eccellenze, Sua Eminenza e il nuovo Arcivescovo di Santiago del Cile, e vi ringrazio per il vostro impegno nel campo della ricerca delle scienze della vita, della salute e della cura; un impegno che la

Remembering February 11, 2013 & 2017

WORLD DAY OF THE SICK 2013 Msgr. Zygmunt Zimowski in the Press Conference in preparation of the World day of the Sick 2013, Altoetting, Germany Pictures World Day Sick 2013 (Altoetting) FIAMC PRESS SERVICES Sanctuary of Our Lady of Altoetting (Germany) Credential of

Israel and Palestine. An opinion

Israel and Palestine:  A Family Vendetta Anne Lastman On a quiet October day, October 7, 2023, during Shabat and celebration of Simchat Torah, the peace of Israel was destroyed by sudden bombings which had not been heard for over half a century.  It was unexpected. 

España: El Estado, degradado por el mendaz informe sobre los abusos

E-Cristians denuncia «la degradación del Estado» a raíz del informe sobre los abusos sexuales en la Iglesia La asociación constata la parcialidad del informe del Defensor del Pueblo sobre la Iglesia31 octubre, 2023ForumLibertas.comL La asociación e-Cristians ha publicado un detallado informe en respuesta a la reciente investigación llevada a

Holy See on the rights of children

On October 6, 2023, The Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations issued a statement to the Third Committee, which addresses human rights, humanitarian affairs, and social matters. The meeting topic was agenda item 69: “promotion and protection of the rights

The Death has occured of a good Friend of FIAMC

Photo of Margaret Archer with Pope Francis. The British Sociological Association is greatly saddened to learn of the death of Margaret Archer yesterday (21 May). Professor Archer was a leading social theorist and had been given the BSA’s Lifetime Achievement Award at our annual conference

George Cardinal Pell R. I. P.

Anne Lastman “Offering up” is the mandate of priesthood, and whilst the priest in his ministry is called to visit the sick, console those who weep, feed the poor, administer sacraments, all important works, his most important role is to “offer up” through sacramental identification

Fine Vita: Comunicato Stampa

SUICIDIO ASSISTITO E FINE VITA  “LE REGIONI DIANO PIENA ATTUAZIONE ALLA LEGGE 38/2010”  La Corte Costituzionale con la sentenza 242 del 2019 individua una condizione di possibile non punibilità di  “chi agevola l’esecuzione del proposito di suicidio, autonomamente e liberamente formatosi, di una persona  tenuta

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