Some two hundred participants, mostly lay leaders attended the special event in-lined with the lenten season. This was the conference on, “The Incorruptibles: Faith versus Science”. The general aim of the event was to rediscover the mysteries behind the nearly 300 Catholic saints who remained defiant of the normal and natural process of decomposition after death.

But while the role of faith is thoroughly discussed by one speaker, the role of science was also explicitly discussed by another speaker. Selected cases of incorruptibles like that of Saint John of the Cross, Saint Charbel Makhlouf, Saint Josephine Bhakita and Saint Padre Pio were given emphasis attributing to their holiness when they spent their lives on earth. One additional topic was also tackled which is about the role of exhumation in the beautification process and on the topic about religious relics.At the end of the conference, a priest gives weight on the quote from Saint Thomas Aquinas that says, “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible”.

This lenten conference was organized by the Catholic Physicians Guild of the Philippines or CPGP with the support from Human Life International, the FIAMC and the National Council of the Laity of the Philippines. The venue was at the Cebu Business Hotel, Cebu City, Philippines.