Rev. Mladen Horvat, pastor of the parish of Our Lady queen of Croats in Toronto, organized a series of lectures for his faithful at the beginning of Lent, in which guests from Croatia participated, including the president of hkld.

On Thursday, February 15, 2024, doc. dr. sc. Snježana Mališa from the University Department of Communication Studies of the Catholic University of Croatia held a lecture on the state and perspective of Catholic education in which she reflected on the educational processes that lead to maturity and the realization of the path of holiness. In this, she particularly emphasized the importance of a holistic approach to education that is realized through authority, wisdom, the absence of personal interests and the love of educators.

On Friday, February 16, 2024, a lecture on addiction – diseases of modern times was held by psychiatrist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sc. Marta Čivljak, Head of the University Department of Nursing of the Catholic University of Croatia, pointed out the growing problem of addiction, especially among young people. But she pointed out that today, along with addictions to psychoactive substances, behavioral addictions that are not related to a psychoactive agent are particularly dangerous, but certain activities: addiction to new technologies (internet, social networks, video games) and gambling addiction.

On the third day of these meetings, on Saturday, February 17, 2024, the lecture Treatment and Prevention of Infectious Diseases was held by the President of the Croatian Catholic Medical Society (HKLD) assoc. Rok Čivljak from the Clinic for Infectious Diseases “Dr. Fran Mihaljevic” and the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb. He gave an overview of the most significant infectious diseases that have historically marked humanity, especially pandemics of plague, cholera, influenza and HIV/AIDS, until the current COVID-19 pandemic. He taught the participants of this meeting about the most common infectious diseases of today and the importance of their early detection and treatment as well as the possibilities of prevention.

The meetings were marked by the great interest of parishioners who were joined by interested members of the Croatian diaspora from neighboring parishes (Mississauga, Oakville, Norval) who, after the lecture, stayed with the lecturers in very meaningful discussions and socializing with guests from Croatia organized by the local parish priest.

Župa Naše Gospe Kraljice Hrvata u Torontu osnovana je 1951. godine kao personalna župa za Hrvate katolike na području Torontske nadbiskupije, a sadašnja župna crkva podignuta je 1965. godine u ulici koja od 1981. godine nosi naziv Croatia Street. Od 2011. župom upravlja dr. sc. Mladen Horvat, svećenik Varaždinske biskupije. Vlč. Horvat je nakon završetka studija teologije u Zagrebu 2000. postigao licencijat na Papinskom biblijskom institutu, a 2005. doktorirao na Papinskom sveučilištu Urbaniana u Rimu. Od tada je predavao biblijske znanosti na više inozemnih sveučilišta, ponajviše na Sveučilištu u Torontu i Sveučilištu Zapadni Ontario u Londonu. Gostima iz Hrvatske bilo je iznimno iskustvo svakodnevno sudjelovati u molitvi časoslova, klanjanju i liturgiji uz vlč. Horvata koji je iz dana u dan obogaćivao naše razumijevanje Svetog pisma tumačeći biblijske tekstove. Svečanosti doživljaja dodatno je doprinosilo izvrsno liturgijsko pjevanje župnoga zbora koje predvodi i na orguljama prati maestro Loris Buzdon.

During the week that the lecturers from Croatia spent in Toronto, they also met with the Consul General of the Republic of Croatia in Mississauga, Mr. Ante Jović and Prof. Dr. Marija Ivankovic, Deputy Head of the Department of Emergency Medicine at St. Joseph’s Health Centre and Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Toronto, who were introduced to the international activities of the institutions from which they come and the possibilities of connecting with related institutions in Canada in which a large number of Croatian citizens and Canadians of Croatian origin operate. Prof. Čivljak donated the hosts during the meeting in Canada to copies of the monograph that was issued on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the HKLD, as well as copies of the latest editions of the CCLD Gazette.

Deadline Čivljak