Fédération Internationale des Associations de Médecins Catholiques

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Catholic Medical Assoc inspired me to be a Christian Doctor

How CMA Has Inspired Me to Be a Physician that Imitates Christ July 16, 2024 By Dr. Brooke Gensler How has the Catholic Medical Association’s vision to inspire physicians to imitate Jesus Christ impacted me? In my final days of family medicine residency, I find

Mission Doctors Association

 Join us and be our valentine, this Saturday February 18 at 5 PM PT (8 PM ET)  Register today and join us from the comfort of your own home! Additionally, we are honored to be presenting the 2023 Msgr. Anthony Brouwers Award to Mission Doctor, Dr. Peter

Preghiera ispirata dal Messaggio de Papa Francesco per la XXX Giornata Mondiale del Malato

Preghiera ispirata dal Messaggio del Santo Padre Papa Francesco per la XXX Giornata Mondiale del Malato (11 febbraio 2022), datato 10.12.2021 «Siate misericordiosi, come il Padre vostro è misericordioso» (Lc 6,36).Porsi accanto a chi soffre in un cammino di carità O Dio Padre, ricco di

An appeal for the missions during the pandemic

From Dr Rob Hardie---Chairman of the Catholic Medical Missionary Society At the height of a global pandemic must be a right and just time to make an appeal for you to support the poor who will struggle so much with the Coronavirus. Pope Francis warned

Coronavirus: la perspectiva de un médico cristiano

Dr. J.Mª. Simón Castellví 8 de marzo de 2020           Hace unos días fui invitado junto con otros colegas a participar en una tertulia sobre el coronavirus en una radio católica de mi ciudad. Como los tiempos en los medios pueden ser limitados, en un

La centralidad es Jesucristo

Frente al coronavirus debemos centrarnos en Cristo, señala médico católico Redacción ACI Prensa Imagen referencial. Crédito: Unsplash. El médico católico José María Simón Castellví señaló que frente a la epidemia del coronavirus, las personas deben reflexionar sobre la vida y centrarse en Cristo, que es

Pope: No aid institution can replace human compassion

Pope: No aid institution can replace human compassion In an address to the participants of the IV Seminar on Ethics in Health, Pope Francis stresses the importance of forming a bond of profound humanity between health workers and their patients. By Francesca Merlo Pope Francis

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Compassion in Times of Illness

Pope Francis: Embrace of Hope, Compassion in Times of Illness is filled with the pope’s insight and inspiration for all who face the test of sickness and illness. Pope Francis shows how hope is found in seeing and experiencing illness in the light of the

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  Un de mes amis banquiers me disait il y a quelques années : « Tu as de la chance comme médecin tu peux t’ajuster à l’image du Bon Samaritain. Le métier de médecin permet de discerner plus facilement ce que nous dit notre foi dans notre


The Compassion of Jesus: The Widow’s Son of Nain (Lk 7:11-17) The name Naim in Hebrew means ‘pleasant’. However it is now a very unpretentious little village. There is a small mosque there, and a modest Catholic Church (1880), in stone, to commemorate the miracle

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