CHAI released its Annual Report at the recently concluded General Body Meeting. During the financial year 2019 – 2020, CHAI as a NGO, has reached out to 29,29,231 people and 5,40,576 households through awareness activities. 1,44,619 people were tested in the community and 21,163 were referred for medical care. 39,173 patients were reached through health services through various programs and 3,727 patients were linked to various government schemes.

130 CHAI Member Institutions, 53 Non-Governmental Organizations partnered with CHAI in reaching out to these people. These partners have 1,236 trained local volunteers engaged in grass roots work. 1,592 members underwent capacity building, which helped in honing the skills of our staff, partner organizations staff, our Sisters and various volunteers.

This report captures mostly the donor supported projects of CHAI. It does not capture all the various healthcare interventions by the 3543 Member Institutions of CHAI, which ranges from Primary care to Tertiary care to Medical Education. Happy Reading!

Kindly click here to see the detailed Annual Report.